For many coaches I have been talking with this week, the theme seems to be centered around confidence and how to step outside your comfort zone. Some coaches are ready to raise their rates, others want to know how to fill their offers. In this article I’m going to share my top tips for building confidence as a coach so you can start hitting your goals of six figures a year.

Building confidence as a coach
Having confidence to take the next BIG step applies to everything in life. I thought I’d share some things that helped me overcome my fears when I first started coaching, and then much later on when I started charging thousands of dollars for programs.
Reality check: When I first started coaching, I was doing it for free!
Maybe you are in that spot right now, or maybe you remember those days too. I’m sure all coaches start off by being the one who always acts as an amazing sounding board for others, and then realizes they are giving away really great guidance for free.
At some point, you feel like things are a little out of balance (you’ve been giving and not receiving), and this is often the time people get stuck in complaining about how everyone takes advantage of them. This is usually one of the first indications that it’s time to GULP… CHARGE for your services.
Confident vs. Confused Coach
In your times of feeling empowered and confident, you feel nudged to charge. You know you have mad skills and abilities, and you know exactly what to charge, or you are ready to charge more for your services.
In your times of feeling overwhelmed and confused, you feel angry that people are taking your free advice, not paying enough or not offering anything in return.
Building confidence as a coach by valuing your worth
When it comes to coaching, one of the biggest growth lessons you will go through is valuing your worth. Having the confidence to ask for what you are worth only comes when you decide you are in fact, worthy.
One of the ways I’ve been able to fully step into my worth is by having the confidence to go for goals in a BIG way, owning up to what I REALLY WANT from my life.
Usually, if a goal is BIG, it immediately brings up fears. But when I check in, I know it’s something I’d really like to achieve regardless.

SMART goals vs. BIG goals as a coach
Lately, I’ve been seeing lots of articles about goal setting and how you need to have SMART goals. SMART stands for (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely).
And while setting a goal the “SMART” way can help you accomplish small measurable tasks, it’s probably not going to take you to the level you really want for yourself.
To do that, you need to have BIG goals. Goals that are BIG stir up fears, and that’s the stuff that creates REAL change in your life.
So what do you do when you feel the fears come to the surface?
Here are some of my top tips for what to do with your fears so you can start building confidence as a coach!
1. Be Consistent-
If you are working on building your confidence as a coach, practice coaching at least once a week (if not more). Think back to when you had to learn something scary, maybe riding a bike. You didn’t know what the heck you were doing in the beginning. But with some daily practice, you slowly started to understand what worked and what didn’t. This applies to coaching. If you are reading this, you are probably already coaching others or ready to take the leap to the next level. Now just show up and do it on a regular basis, and with time, you will gain confidence.
2. Charge something right away-
Challenge yourself to ask for some amount. How do you know how much to charge? Simply tune in and ask yourself what feels right for now. I started off charging $20 a session. After I did about 4 sessions with various people, I saw the value I was providing. I quickly realized I needed to charge more, so I went to $50, then it became $75, then $95. Now I have higher priced programs. Having the confidence to charge what you are worth comes with time. Keep aligning to what amount feels right to you.
Related Articles:
Life Coaching Business How Much to Charge
Achieve Financial Independence with Be Passionate and Prosper
How to Make $2000 a Month Using YouTube for a Coaching Business
3. Commit to teaching or coaching weekly-
I’ve found that creating an offer for something or teaching something weekly forces me to get prepared. I have to look up facts, get my information organized, stay on topic, and think of what my audience needs to learn. When you commit to teaching in this way, it also serves as a great place for regular feedback. Remember to listen carefully and people will tell you their greatest struggles.
4. Do something outside your comfort zone-
If your BIG goal gives you butterflies in your stomach, has you sweating like a dog, or makes you feel like throwing up, it’s probably a necessary next step! Do something challenging that will relate to making you become a better coach. Take a speaking class, join an improv group, or go to a networking meeting. Do something outside of your comfort zone often. Pick new things to challenge yourself at least once a quarter.

5. Accountability-
Use a friend, mentor, or coach to help you stay on track and push you a little when you need it most. How do you know when you need accountability, the moment you feel stuck or start hesitating to take action. Create a team of support around you so you can keep things moving in a positive direction.
Confidence comes when you repeatedly tackle your fears and come out on the other side better than you were before. It comes when you prove that your fears really mean nothing.
You are so much more capable than you think! Take some time to write out your next BIG goal on your board, and then decide how you can apply the tips above!
What is your next BIG goal or step as a coach? I’d love to hear more about your journey. Share your comments below and let me know!
Here’s to your next BIG steps…
Mandy Gatlin

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