Are you strapped for cash and wondering how to make money now? We have compiled the best 50 ways to make money fast. These are legitimate ways you can start making money right away. Maybe you are wanting to make extra cash to pay off your credit card debt. Or perhaps you are wanting to make a little extra to be able to treat your family to more fun throughout the month. We personally used many of these methods making extra cash so we could invest and retire early!
Wanting to know how you can make $50 dollars fast or how to make money now online? You will find our complete list here! And we are always adding to this list so make sure to bookmark it and revisit. You may want to come back as you slowly build up your side hustles. We recommend starting with one or two today and then come back in a week and visit this list to add more ideas. With a few of these side hustles, you might be able to quit your job, pay off loans and live a more fun life! Sign up here to stay up to date on new side hustles and ways to earn more money.
How to Make Money Now: 50 Ways to Make Money Fast
On this blog, we discuss many ways to earn money through things like side hustles, affiliate marketing, making money online, investments, and your own business. My husband and I have used these methods to pay off major debts like student loans, car loans, and work down our mortgage faster. Earning extra money has helped us stop living paycheck to paycheck, and it’s added to the quality of our lives by allowing us to travel more. If you are wanting to make money fast for your own reasons, then we are sure you will find some awesome ideas here!
We promise this ‘50 ways to make money’ is going to over deliver, and we know you will find a way here that will work for you. We are always adding to this list, so make sure to check back as we don’t plan on ending the list anytime soon.
Big tip if you need to know how make money now:
If you are needing to know how to make money now, online surveys are the way you can get started making money online right now! Many of our readers love Survey Junkie and Swagbucks and these are two legitimate paid survey sites that will simply pay you for your opinion. All you have to do is sign up and then start answering simple questions. We use these sites to make extra cash while waiting in line at the store and even while relaxing on the couch.
How these money making ideas could change your life
If you are struggling with trying to make ends meet or just tired of working your 9-5 job, then these money making ideas could very well change your life. We were able to pay off our student loans, buy a house, start a business, and save for early retirement. We love sharing how we did this with this blog. Be Passionate and Prosper is about helping you earn extra money online and through side hustles – just like the ones you will find below. The goal of this particular article is to show you how your can make money fast and then build a business or two on the side. If you are trying to just make an extra $100 a month or earn $50 fast, this page is sure to inspire you!
Blogging is our favorite way to make passive income
Here is our list of all the things we have done over the last few years to make extra money and help us reach financial independence. Use this list to learn how to make money now!
Note: We like to focus on ‘passive’ ways to make money because we didn’t want to continue working for other people. Working towards making passive is a smart long term strategy for becoming financially independent so that you are not continually trading your time for money. However, if you really needing to make some money quickly, you will find ideas on this list to get going right away.
1. Make Money Fast Online with Blogging
- Starting a blog is one of our favorite ways to make money because it can be done on the side when you have time. And once it is established and you have some products or affiliate links in place, you can generate passive income. Building is blog is not an overnight experience, however, we have put together a post to help walk you through the technical steps. Then it’s a matter of having patience and being persistent with adding to your blog weekly. It’s possible to see an income from a blog after just a matter of a few months. If you already have a blog set up but you are wondering how to make money from your blog, head over to this post about Michelle who makes over $100,000 a month from her blog. She teaches a course where she reveals all her secrets, and it has dramatically helped us improve our blog income.
2. Fill out Surveys and Get Paid
Surveys are an easy side hustle and can be done anywhere. You can do them while waiting in line or relaxing at home. We recommend Swagbucks and Survey Junkey to get started. All you need to do is give your honest opinion. Some surveys include videos to watch and others have easy to complete tasks that take little time. I earn a few hundred dollars per month from surveys and love how easy they are. A few of my favorite survey sites are Swagbucks, Survey Junkie and SpringBoard America. If you are looking for how to make money now, surveys are a great place to start.
Start earning extra money right now with Swagbucks Surveys
3. Start a YouTube Channel
It’s possible to make money from YouTube. We are making over $1000 a month in passive income just from adding new videos every week to our various YouTube channels. You can make money indirectly by posting a helpful video and then leading people to your site where they can purchase a product or service. Or you can make money directly by getting enough subscribers (you need at least 1000) to attach ads to your videos. Every time someone watches your video, the ad plays and if they click through, you receive a commission. Learn more by heading over to our post about how we make money from YouTube.
Learn how to make money on YouTube
4. Make Money Freelance Writing
Kristin Wong makes over $75,000 a year as a freelance writer. She does this while working from home and traveling. Kristin writes for online news organizations and websites and even created a course to help others learn how to make money at freelance writing. If you want to find out how she makes a full-time income as a freelance writer, you can head over to Come Write With Us to learn how to start making money right away working from home.
5. Work From Home Doing Transcription
A transcriptionist turns audio and video recordings into text documents. While in college, I worked as a transcriber for a writer who was disabled and needed me to turn her voice recordings into written pages. If you can type text, then you can make money as a transcriber.
My friend, Janet Shaughnessy, is the creator of TranscribeAnywhere. She has run her own transcription service for over ten years and loves helping people learn how to become transcriptionists and market themselves. Her course on the business of Transcribing is affordable and teaches you how to get and keep clients.
Work from Home as a Transcriber
6. Perform Tasks with Gigwalk
If you are looking to make extra spending money fast, you may want to try Gigwalk. This service is only offered in the United States and Canada. With Gigwalk, you finish tasks that people or businesses need to get done. People and companies may want you to go do a small gig for them. You simply apply for the gig and go do it and get paid! Click here to learn more and sign up. You will need to download the app and register.
7. Become a Guide with Vayable
As a Vayable Guide, you take people on tours of your city. You just have to have a knowledge of some of the hot spots in your city and then take people there and show them around. Set your own rates and decide on how much you want to work. If you know an area well, Vayable could be a great way to help pay off debts or save for an fun vacation! You will only get work when people book you, so consider this as side hustle. To apply to become a Vayable guide and learn more, click here.
Teaching or Coaching Related Side Hustles
8. Become a Coach
You can become a coach for anything… sports, fitness, business, love, the possibilities are endless. Coaching is one of our favorite ways to teach things we have learned. Head over to this popular post about how you can start a coaching business as a side hustle. Or if you know you are ready to start your own business but would like help with the steps, we have a course dedicated to helping you start an online business. Head over to Be Passionate and Prosper to help you start a coaching business (or any business for that matter).
Start a Life Coaching Business and Make Money Right Away!
This is our most popular post and our favorite way of creating a business!
9. Create Online Courses on Teachable
If you are wanting to start online courses of your own, head over to Teachable. We love their platform because it makes course creation so easy! Whether you have ideas on paper or in your head, you can easily outline your course and then fill in with details in the Teachable dashboard. Selling courses online is a way we generate passive income for many of our blogs. It takes a little bit of dedicated effort and time to get the course created, but once it’s completed, then you can launch it and market it throughout the year.
10. Launch Monthly Courses on Facebook
Another way we make side income is through creating and hosting classes on Facebook. Basically we create a new group business page in Facebook. Then we create a free five day live course and spread out the live events over two weeks. As people join, we start mentioning a larger course which will be taking place soon in a private Facebook page. We invite people to sign up for that course to learn more (and this course is a paid course). The entire course is taught over Facebook in the private page.
11. Mentor Kids Struggling in a Specific Subject
Put an ad on Craigslist or Nextdoor (or a similar app that feeds listings to your neighborhood) and let people know that you offer mentoring in specific subjects. One friend of ours started a small mentorship group and ran it out of room at his church. Word spread quickly and as more kids enrolled, he hired people to become mentors. Within two years, his tiny program blossomed, and now he rents a building and has a complete staff. The mentors help students from many nearby schools. They are talking about the possibility of growing even more and starting programs in other cities. You never know what your idea could turn into!
12. Teach at TakeLessons
Do you love teaching others? Maybe you have a passion for a specific skill and would love to share your knowledge with others. TeachLessons is an online platform where you can teach anything you can think of and get paid. You could teach a second language, train others to dance, or start a cooking class. Anything is possible! This is for teaching anything you can think of. If you want to find out more, click here to go to TakeLessons.
13. Teach Locally
If you have mastered something, give back by teaching in your own community (and get paid for for your knowledge). I have studied many things throughout my life and then taught a class in my city to make side income. Also, when you teach something, it forces you to really master your craft.
Car Related Side Hustles
14. Driving Sign
If you have a car and you drive around town, then you could make extra spending money by having a removable ad placed on your car. Carvertise acts as an agent and finds you an advertiser who wants to market their message on your car. They pay about $100 a month, but they do sometimes pay more if you park your car in public areas. You have to have a car, it needs to be a 2008 model or later, and you have to drive at least 30 miles a day. Find out more about becoming a Carvertiser by clicking here.
15. Deliver items on your way
If you have a car and need to make extra spending money, then consider signing up for a service like Roadie. You can turn your daily commute into cash by delivering physical items. If you are already planning on going somewhere, you can also deliver an item and make cash. The delivery pays for your trip! This is a great way to save money on gasoline and make extra spending money. You can earn $8-$60 for local deliveries and up to $650 for longer trips! This is great if you don’t like to have to drive people around. You simply deliver items. You can even earn money to drive pets around with Roadie. Check out this driving delivery service by clicking here.
16. Deliver packages for Amazon Flex
Deliver Amazon packages to their customers. You can set your own hours which makes it perfect if you have other side hustles or want more flexibility. Amazon Flex is in major cities around the United States, and all you have to do to get started is download the app and apply. Click here to find out more about Amazon Flex. The pay ranges from $18-$25 an hour.
17. Drive for Lyft
If you have a car and need to work odd hours or supplement your pay, consider driving for Lyft. After working a certain amount of hours, they sometimes offer a sign-on bonus. If you are at least 21 years old and you have a four door car with insurance, then you might qualify to work for Lyft. Check out the benefits to working for Lyft here.
18. Deliver groceries
Shipt is an on demand grocery service. They want reliable people to go pick up groceries and then deliver them to customers. You just need to be at least 18 and have a reliable vehicle. This is a great way to make extra spending money. If you are curious about signing up for Shipt, click here to find out more.
19. Rent out your car
If you have a car and don’t use it for part of the day, you could rent out your car for a fee or sign up for a service like GetAround. This online service allows people in your neighborhood to find out about your car availability. You sign up and then your car is listed on their app. People rent your car and you make money. Check out GetAround by clicking here.
Cleaning Related Side Hustles
20. Cleaning Person
If you are looking for easy-to-run part-time or full-time work that pays well, is in high demand, and offers lots of flexibility, then consider starting a cleaning service. Cleaning is a great way to earn extra money to pay bills or reduce debt.
Wendy Williams was working a corporate job and got laid off. She started her own cleaning business. In a very short time frame, she was able to pay off her debt, build a savings all while taking three-day weekends.
She wrote a book to help other start their own cleaning service. In Your House Cleaning Business, A Blueprint for Success, she shows you how you can start with as little as $20.
21. Pick up trash
People have a TON of stuff and there is a huge opportunity in trash removal. There is a huge demand for people who can help clear away items. People who have started trash removal businesses make pretty good money, anywhere from a couple hundred dollars a month part time to a couple thousand dollars a month full time.
Brian Winch has made a six-figure a year income just from cleaning up litter from parking lots. He even wrote a book about on how to start and operate a parking lot litter cleanup business called CleanLots. Each book purchase includes FREE support from Brian. In the book, he shares how he has found many treasures during his cleanup, including $600 that was thrown away in a dumpster.
22. Recycle
When I was younger, my brother and I saved cans, plastic bottles, and glass and took them to the local recycle center. After a year of recycling, we earned enough cash from recycling, to purchase a big screen TV for the family game room. This was a great reward for all our hard work. Plus we were helping the environment at the same time!
23. Flipper
A flipper is someone who flips items for a profit. My friends Rob and Melissa, of Flipper University, have been flipping for years and they are now reaching over $100k in sales!
Here are a few things they have flipped for profit:
- They bought a chair set for $115 and flipped for $2,250 just 1 hour later using Facebook.
- A security lift they bought for $6,200 and flipped for $25,000 just one month later.
Learn how to make extra spending money and sell items on Ebay, Facebook, Craigslist, Garage Sales, Flea Markets and more. Rob and Melissa have created a course called Flipper University. In this course, students learn how to become flippers and earn $500-$2,500 per month in their first year.
Pet Related Side Hustles
24. Dog Walking
If you love animals, then you may want to consider starting a dog walking or pet sitting business. Depending on the animal’s needs, as a pet sitter, you go to the person’s home and check on and feed their pet. The owner may also request you walk or play with the pet too.
Kristin Morrison of the Six Figure Pet Sitting Academy, has been in the pet sitting business for over 23 years. She started her business to make extra money while pursuing a career, but soon found herself making a living from pet sitting! She has many books, courses and helpful forms which can be found by clicking here.
Home and DIY Related Side Hustles
25. Garden Cleanup
If you love the outdoors and have some extra free time, why not place an ad on Craigslist or Nextdoor to provide neighbors with garden and yard tidy services. Many people don’t have the time or energy to pick weeds, trim hedges and upkeep their yard. You could even provide mowing services using their own lawn mower. This is a great side hustle if you need a little workout and want to be outdoors.
26. Amazon Home Services
If you are a handyman or have special skills such as being an electrician, painter, or plumber, then you can list your services on Amazon Home Services. This service connects you with potential leads and you can decide what work to take. This is a great way of listing your service and finding potential leads. People are more likely to trust you if you are listed on Home Service sites like Amazon Home Services. Click here to apply and find out more about listing your services.
Art and Craft Related Side Hustles
27. Sell Your Art
It is possible to make a living as an artist. We interviewed an artist named David who left the corporate world to fulfill his passion as an artist and interior designer. He even landed a gig on the HGTV show Flip or Flop and now features his artwork on the show. David regularly features his art in local restaurants and art shows. Read his inspiring story about how he made the leap to do art full time here.
28. Sell Crafts at Local Farmer’s Markets
We have friends who sell everything from homemade crocheted items to jewelry and candles at local farmer’s markets. Many of them make a nice extra income off of their favorite hobby and creative passions.
29. Sell Jewelry or Items on Etsy
Some of the top categories for sales on Etsy is handmade jewelry and wedding party decor. Create beaded jewelry or your favorite crafts and set up an Etsy shop. Then use social media to get followers and point them to your store. You can even create Pinterest Pins of your beautiful designs and point people to your store.
30. Photography
There are many ways to make extra money with photography. One gal we know sells photo packages to families for their holiday photos, graduations, new babies and other major life events. Another friend we know makes a living only doing photography for people who need branding help and need guidance with their social media. Another great way to make passive income with photography is to take photos and sell them online to stock photo websites.
Music Related Side Hustles
31. Music Gigs
One man we interviewed makes over $4000 a month playing music gigs. He has a passion for music and has turned it into his full time work. If you love music, consider playing gigs to make money on the side while you improve. Here is our interview with Craig and how he built his music career.
32. Music Teacher or Coach
If you are a singer or play an instrument, you could make extra money by teaching. Many churches and schools are in need of talented musicians and singers who can teach a music class. Reach out in your community to see where you might be able to share your musical abilities. You could also create a music class through Teachable online.
Real Estate Related Side Hustles
33. Real Estate Investing
Real Estate Investing is a one of our favorite ways to make extra passive income. It’s possible to get into real estate investing with a few thousands dollars by investing in REITs. It acts like a mutual fund by pooling together money from thousands of investors, and then the fund invests in property. This is just one of the ways you can make money investing in real estate. Start saving up for a REIT by using an app like Acorns. This app helps you set aside money every time you make a purchase.
34. Buy a Rental Property
If you do it right, you can buy a property for cheap by putting a small amount down, live in the property while you fix it up, then rent out bedrooms to help pay the mortgage. At some point, the property will appreciate in value and you can refinance the property and purchase another and do it all over again. Check out this useful resource for more information on real estate strategies that will help you make extra money.
Top things to look for when buying a rental property for income.
Childcare Related Side Hustles
35. Babysit or Nanny
Why not turn your love for children into a fun side hustle as a babysitter or nanny? There are many apps to list your services online including Craigslist and Nextdoor.
Beauty Related Side Hustles
36. Mobile Massage
With a little bit of training and certification, you can make extra income from giving massages to people. Leave a business card at local gyms and yoga studios and provide 15 minute shoulder massages as an intro to your services. Massage is a great way to make extra income as a side hustle.
37. Makeup and Hair Artist
A friend of ours followed her passion for makeup, and now she is a makeup artist. She does makeup for girls for prom, weddings and special events, and even teaches in a studio to help others learn. If you have a passion for makeup or doing hair, consider offering your services to make extra income or start your own business.
38. Beauty Influencer
You can also make money by representing brands on your social media and promoting their products. If you love everything related to beauty, why not start a YouTube channel and teach viewers how to apply makeup or products properly. Many beauty influencers are not only making thousands of dollars working with brands, but they also receive tons of free beauty products to try. You can partner with companies and write sponsored posts for your blog and earn money for the post.
Side Hustles Related to Helping People
39. Help People Get Hired with Reload
Help someone you know find a job in the growing health care industry. If you are around people in the medical field, you might be able to get paid when you help them find a new job. With Reload, you earn money by referring candidates for jobs. You can list these services on free job listing sites and make extra income. Click here to learn more about becoming a Reload agent.
40. Pleio
Pleio provides a service for elderly people to help remind them to take their medications. As a Pleio agent, you would be calling people to make sure they are taking their prescribed meds. You need to be able to work about 15 hours a week. You also need an internet connection and you have to pass a background check. If you like talking to people, then this might be a great way to earn an income working from home or anywhere you like. To find out more about working with Pleio, click here.
41. Meal Prep
With everyone leading such busy lives these days, it can be hard to find the time to prepare homemade healthy meals. If you like to cook and would like to make money from home, you could become a personal chef or meal prepper for busy families in your community. This works especially well for people who are trying to lose weight or have special dietary restrictions. You can learn more about meal prepping here.
42. Help People Start a Will
A friend of mine made extra money by helping people in his neighborhood get their living will created. Many people have not created a will, and not having a will can cost a family lots of money and time. All you need is a laptop and the software available to help you create a will.
43. Start a Rental Biz
A great way to make side income is to rent out equipment in a particular niche! If you have a ton of baby equipment and you are not using it anymore, why not rent it out? Also, any equipment related to the party business works great for rentals. You could rent out jumpers for parties, tables and chairs, even decorations.
Business Services Side Hustles
44. Freelance Your Unique Skills
Outsourcing your skills over the internet is a great way to earn extra income because you can work from anywhere. Simply list your services on Fiverr. You can make extra money or work full time offering freelance digital services, such as website design, graphic design, Pinterest management and more. There are a variety of ways to make money online with Fiverr.
45. Pinterest Marketing Assistant
Do you spend a lot of time on Pinterest? If so, you probably have a good feel for how to create boards and Pin to them. Many online business owners don’t have the time to manage their own Pinterest accounts. With a little help from Tailwind, you could create new Pins for bloggers or online business owners and manage their account for them! Simply create a few packages for business owners to choose from and decide on an amount of Pins you will create for them per week. Report in to them once a month with their viewer stats and follower count. Pinterest is a great way to bring traffic to websites and blogs. So many people will see direct results from your efforts.
46. Pinterest Affiliate Marketing
Did you know you can use Pinterest as a way to promote affiliate products? You can sign up with an affiliate marketing company like MagicLinks and then create Pins and link the Pin to the product. When people click on the Pin and then buy the product, you earn a commission! This is an easy way to create passive income once you have a few Pins go viral.
47. Tax Prep
During tax season, many people need help with preparing their taxes This is a great way of making extra side income. All you need is a laptop and tax prep software and then you can sit with people and help them prepare their taxes for them.
48. Branding
If you have a knack for marketing and enlisting followers on social media, you may want to create a side business out of it. You could approach small businesses to help them manage their social media accounts and develop their branding. You could offer branding packages to include everything from their logo to color palette to creating content and messages that speak to their ideal clients.
49. Test and Review Websites Online
One way to work from home is to become a reviewer of other people’s websites. With UserBob, you record your computer screen as you actively review and talk about a website. As blogging and the online business world becomes more popular, there is a growing demand for honest feedback about everything from the look of a website to how easy it is to navigate. You can check out more and become a part of UserBob here.
Other Side Hustles and Ways to Save
Shopping rewards:
50. Get Money Back with Ibotta
Ibotta is an app that helps you get cash back for purchasing everyday essentials like groceries, clothing, toiletries, and more.
It’s a free app and it’s very simply to use. Before visiting a grocery store, simply check the Ibotta app to see what kinds of offers they have for cash back. There are many great deals daily and once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to see the dollars add up. If you are shopping pretty regularly, then you’ll see a decent savings on pretty much anything you buy, everything from hair products to food. I’ve even found great Groupon deals on Ibotta! When you sign up for Ibotta, you automatically get $10 using this link.
51. Ebates
You can get shopping rewards using Ebates. This is a very easy way to make money without changing your spending habits. It’s as simple as clicking through on the Ebates links, and then you get around 2% – 15% back on the purchases you make. If you are purchasing items online, Ebates helps you apply coupon codes to everything! Check out Ebates for more information and to start getting cash back today.
Keep Visiting for Updates to Our List of How to Make Money Now
We hope this list of over 50 ways to make money fast inspired you to starting earning extra income. Many of these ideas come from our own experiences, and they are the reason we have been able to earn more money and save faster.
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