Are you looking for free stock photos to use for your new blog or website? Or maybe you need amazing images to use on your social media accounts. Avoid copyright issues by using free use images from these stock photo websites!
These sites provide free photos for both your commercial and personal work. Many of the free stock photo sites add new photos daily. The photos and images work for a wide variety of categories including blogging, travel, food, lifestyle, abstract, fashion, nature, technology and much more.
These are a list of my favorite free stock photo sites:
- Pexels
- Unsplash
- Dreamstime
- Freestocks
- Picography
- Death to the Stock Photo
- Pixabay
- MMT Stock
- Pikwizard
- Life of Pix
- PicJumbo
- Shafaq O
- StokPic
- Magdeleine
- Freeimages
- StockVault
- FreeRangeStock
- Gratisography
- Kreanielle Design
- StockSnap
- Good Free Photos
- Gratisography
- Negative Space
- Splitshire
- Create Her Stock
- New Old Stock
- KaboomPics
- IM Free
- DesignersPics
- Public Domain Archive
- Fancy Crave
- The Stock Boutique
- Little Visuals
How to Best Use Free Stock Images
We are always on the hunt for beautiful free stock photos to use for our featured images on our website as well as on our Pins for Pinterest.
The best way we use free stock images is by keeping a folder under “My Documents” in our work computer titled “Free Stock Images.” We will often batch our work time, and so about once a month, we will spend one day on these free stock photo sites pulling images and loading them into folders onto our work computer. Then we categorize the photos into sub folders, such as “Blogging Images,” “Budgeting Images,” “Travel Images,” and so forth. This makes is very easy to hunt for a free photo quickly.
I love using both Canva and PicMonkey for creating social media posts and then I use Tailwind to plan out my Pinterest posts for the week.
Notes about Royalty Free and Public Domain (Creative Commons Zero) Photos and Images
Most of the photos from the list above are free from copyright restrictions or licensed under creative commons public domain. Basically this means you can use the image however you like. You can copy it, modify it, and distribute it for any purpose, even for commercial purposes, without asking for permission.
If you have been wondering if you can use others photographs on your website, always make sure to read the notes about the photos to see if it requires any attribution. Attribution simply means you must give credit to the owner or photographer. We always advise for you to read for any attribution requirements before using any images.
How to Use These Amazing Images on Your Own Blog or Online Business Right Away
Blogging is something we have been doing for over nine years now and we truly love the lifestyle we have from our online businesses.
If you are wanting to start your own blog or online business, we have a post that walks you through getting your blog set up in a matter of minutes. You can head over to that post by clicking here. It really is very easy to get your online business started.
If you would like to take things a step further, we have an online course that helps you turn your expertise into a business you love and earn five figures. This course walks you through selecting a business or niche that’s right for you. It also details how to get clients and traffic right away. We show you how to use free use images to create Pins and generate massive amounts of traffic to your blog or website right away.
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