What mindset are you in when it comes to growing your business? Are you spinning your wheels and trying “all the things” when it comes to expanding into million dollar years? If so, you might be keeping yourself held back from everything you desire. Read more about how you can shift your mindset to hit your money goals and create a flourishing business that provides you with financial freedom.
If you are hitting plateaus in your business, in your income, and in your life in general, it could be a sign that you are not asking your intuitive self what your business needs in order to expand.
Before we dive deep into how you can help your business grow to million-dollar years, please make sure to follow us on our Facebook page, where we often go live and answer your questions.
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Here’s our latest video on how you can grow your business to million-dollar years:
There might be areas of your business that are needing attention, and because you are “doing it all,” you might be holding your business back from expanding in incredible ways.
If you are trying to “do it all,” that could mean that you are in your ego with your business. For example, you might be trying to get more one-on-one clients because more clients means more money, right? Uh, nope! It actually means you are ready to expand in new ways, but because you don’t know what you don’t know, you keep doing things the way you THINK you should be doing them.
The reality is, showing up by pushing or forcing more in your business is only going to lead to extreme burnout. And THIS is not the vibe for a million-dollar-a-year company!
I’ve been there and done that! I started my first business thinking I could do it all. It was hard to let anyone else work for me because I had a belief that no one else could do what I did. I wasn’t even willing to try and let other people come work for me. And so at some point, when I was peaking and overflowing with clients, that’s when I had a breakdown moment. I was exhausted and burned out. And it was only after opening up to another business-minded friend that I realized I was actually holding my own company back from growing. By thinking I was the secret sauce to my business, I was missing out on the true potential of what my business could achieve.
Here are some signs that you might be plateauing or burning out in your business
-Your business is not expanding quickly- your income, your reach, your offers, your assets, your team, none of it is growing!
-Your income numbers have plateaued
-You are feeling fatigued, snappy, or drained…
-You are craving a major vacation!!!
How to shift your mindset so you can have million dollar years in your business
The truth is, holding on tightly to how you are operating your business, and trying to control the way you are doing things will keep you held back. This closed-off mindset doesn’t allow for growth to happen. What can help is a shift in perspective.
So how do you shift?
You call in what you need in order to expand to the next level. Ask yourself what your business needs in order to expand. Focus on what feels like the next BIG step, what I call your “nagging.” Placing your focus on what feels like the next exciting intuitive move, will help you unlock what needs to change. As you allow yourself to listen to what is needed and what feels like the right next thing, you will receive ideas about what next steps to take.
How to take the necessary next steps
After you tune in and hear what it is you need in order to grow your business, follow through by asking for help from qualified people and allow expansive opportunities to come your way. This could mean you get coached on how to create a higher level offer so you don’t have to take on as many one-on-one clients. Perhaps you develop a program or group offer that your clients need and you free up some of your time by offering expert guests to teach in the areas of your business where you are lacking. The important thing to note here is that expansion comes when you are more willing to be helped as well as see that there are MANY possibilities for growth.
When you see there are many ways your business can have success, you allow those many ways to appear. If you have a tight grip or control over how things can unfold, then you might not be seeing all the available possibilities.
Growing your business is not always about charging more
While you should be looking at your numbers monthly and assessing whether your prices reflect the true value of your offers, growing your business is not always about charging more. Increasing your prices is appropriate when you are offering a higher level of service or expertise, delivering a product in a highly desirable or sought-after way, or the cost of your expenses or materials has gone up. But if you are only looking at raising prices as a way to grow your business, you are missing out on a ton of other ways you could be expanding.
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Here are some ways you can grow your business
-Automate your marketing, create an email series, run ads to your offers
-Hire help so you can focus on your zone of genius and they can help you build your brand or develop your marketing
-Invest in tools to make you and your business more efficient
-Develop systems for your everyday tasks to make things easier to repeat and track
-Create higher level offers and programs
-Create group programs or find ways to impact more people at once
-Offer evergreen programs designed to serve your audience as they grow
-Invest in assets that grow your net worth
How can you shift into million dollar years in your business?
Allowing yourself to hear what your business needs is the key to unlocking your million-dollar years. But this only happens when you take the difficult steps. It can feel uncomfortable to take those steps, but they are necessary if you want to grow. It takes a whole change in mindset to be able to ask for help when you have a hard time letting go of control. A huge shift in perspective is needed if you are going to make the leap into group programs, but you think you can only impact your clients by working with them one-on-one. It’s important to look at how you might be holding yourself and your business back, so you can truly grow. Ask yourself in what areas you might be holding on tightly, forcing, or pushing, and then see how letting go of control might open things up for you!
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