At least once a month, we sit down for a “money date” and we scrutinize our income, expenses, and investments.
We recently went over our recurring bills and noticed a few that were not even needed! #helloextramoney
One in particular was our cable tv bill. We don’t use our cable service as much these days, and really, we get everything we love to watch from internet streaming. So we did the deed, called up the cable company, and made some changes.
In the end, we are now saving over $100 a month!!! That’s just one bill… we are working on a few more this weekend.
But whoa, whoa, whoa… just because we found some extra money does not mean we are gonna go crazy and spend it all on a collection of baby Yoda memorabilia.
Nooooo, we have a plan. And we are sticking to the plan. Whenever we find extra money per month, we up our automatic savings to our investment accounts. #savers
Did you know that if you can just cut one bill of $85 a month, and you put that money into an index fund (performing at a conservative 7% a year), in 30 years it would be worth over $96,000!
Let’s say all you have is 10 years to invest… you’d still earn over $14,000. That’s just with $85 a month 🙂
I go into more detail about how you can create more financial independence for yourself in the post titled “A Plan to Reach Financial Independence at an Early Age.”
And many of you are reaching out because you are ready to learn how to be more in charge of your money and get it working for you. You can head to this article where we share our personal investing education and help you feel more empowered with your finances.
Let me know your money goals and what questions you have about saving and investing! Feel free to ask questions in the comments below!
Hope you enjoyed this post about how you can cut one bill and save extra income!!!
For more money tips, follow me at Instagram @mandyjgatlin
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