When I tell people my business paid for college, they usually look at me funny. They ask me how I was able to make enough to pay for school. And then I give them the same plan I’m about to share with you. This was a simple hack I figured out all because I got turned down for college aid. And here is the truth… College can be expensive, and it will never give you real world experience, unless of course […]
Buying a house at a young age is totally possible. Whether you are planning on buying a home in your early twenties or thirties, there are a few things to know before making the big plunge into home ownership. When I tell people I bought my first home at 22 years old, they often ask me how I did it. Most people think my family or parents helped out, but the truth is, my husband and I were able to get […]
If you want to learn how much money can you make blogging, then you’ve come to the right place! I started blogging with my first business back in 1997, and it has completely changed my life. Back then, creating a website took so much more effort than it does now. When I started my business, I thought it would be a good idea to also have a web presence. I remember looking up a few keywords for my business and […]
I’m going to share with you how I started a life coaching business as a side hustle. Have you been wanting to start your own life coaching business to be able to work from home? When I first started considering setting up a life coaching business, I looked into certifications and programs. What I found was that most of the people who taught these programs were not certified. I checked out their programs thoroughly, and most of them suggested that […]
Maybe you have started blogging or you have been blogging for some time, and you are looking for ways to improve your Google search results to get more traffic. In this article, I am going to show you how to improve Google search ranking for free. If you have been trying to build traffic to acquire new customers, it’s important to learn how to optimize your SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, early so you can have a better chance at […]
I’m going to share with you my plan to reach financial independence at an early age. These are the things that I learned with time and WISH someone would have shared them with me in my early twenties. I am lucky enough to have a dad who is wise with money, and some of the foundational things I am going to share here are things he taught me. Other money lessons came with experience and trying things and noticing what […]