Trouble saving money does not necessarily come from a lack of self control. The reason saving is so hard has less to do with self control and more to do with the attention you place on your money. You may have little to no money saved and you may have told yourself in the past, “I can’t save money.” Or you might be here because you are asking, “Why can’t I save money?” If you are trying to improve your […]
If you are just starting to become more aware of your money, one of the big questions you might be asking is, “how much money should I save?” This can be a difficult question to answer when you are just starting out. How much money should I save is one of the most frequent questions I get as a personal finance expert, so I thought it would be fun to help you determine what that number might be for you and […]
Welcome everyone! I’m very excited to start this blog and share my money story! I have been wanting to do this for quite some time now, and I finally feel like it’s time to share and learn at the same time. I am a 42 year old with standard middle class debt. My car is paid off, but my husband and I bought a house a few years ago. We have a 30 year mortgage on our home. We keep […]