Many of you would like to offer digital products to supplement your income, but you don’t know where to start. There are many choices when it comes to creating income from an online business with digital products, and my favorite ways include eBooks, masterclasses and eCourses. In this post, I’m going to go over digital products and how I take one idea and turn it into 4 different digital products.
What type of digital products should I create for my business?
My simple answer is to create each of them (eBooks, masterclasses, and eCourses) and price them at different levels. This way you can meet your audience at any level. Some might want to read at their own pace with an eBook and others might want to learn a specific technique in one day with you during a masterclass.
Often if they purchase one product from you, they are going to want to learn more. It’s very common for your audience to return to you for more as they start to look to you as an expert and teacher.

How do I get started with digital products?
You will need to start with a main idea. Choose a topic specific to your audience. It would be best to choose a topic which has received some love and interest from your followers.
One way to decide on a topic is to look at your social media accounts and look at the comments and questions from your audience. Is there a topic which stands out or engages your audience? If so, this is a good place to start.
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Break your topic idea into 4 digital products
Create four products out of this idea. Here are examples of digital products you could offer if you were an expert in pet sitting:
- Freebie- The top mistakes new pet sitters make.
- eBook- How to start your pet sitting business in 7 steps
- Masterclass- How to hire help so you can take your pet sitting business to 6 figures.
- Course- Create your 6 figure pet sitting business!
Create your first digital product
Creating an eBook is a great way to share a set of steps about your topic.
When coming up with an idea for an eBook, think about sharing how you got started, your story, how you grew your business, and what steps you took to get there. You could also treat the eBook as a manual about how to do a particular task, but keep the steps simple.
I like to start by bullet pointing my main steps and creating an outline in WORD. Then I fill in the outline with examples and stories. Finally, I create the eBook in WORD or Canva.
In the example above, the eBook includes 7 actionable steps someone could take to start their pet sitting business.
You can charge between $10 and $49 for your eBooks depending on your audience. Try to keep your eBook between 10 and 100 pages.
Develop your second digital product as a masterclass
A masterclass is designed to give your audience more details about how to execute the steps.
Think of the eBook as an outline and the masterclass provides the tips about how to take action. You will want to provide your audience with a little more detail. In the example above, the masterclass is designed to help the audience learn a specific technique (hiring people) to achieve success in their pet sitting business.
The masterclass should also be provided live so your audience can interact with you, ask questions and receive help. Start with an introduction. Go over who you are and why you are qualified to talk about the topic. Then give a few main instructions during the masterclass. Finally, end the masterclass with some time for questions. You may also want to include your offer for an upcoming course or additional training.
Keep the masterclass at around 60 to 90 minutes. You can charge between $25 and $150 for a masterclass.
Offer a course as your third digital product
The eCourse should provide even more detail than both the eBook and the masterclass. Online courses can be priced between $197 and $1997.
Courses can be done live with a group, or you can offer self-paced courses along with a community where your members can get their questions answered. The community can also be a great opportunity to make new offers for new products to help your audience grow over time.
In the example above, the eCourse would provide videos or detailed instructions about all the necessary steps it would take to set up a legitimate pet sitting business. You might also include things like new client forms and workbooks as bonuses to the course.
A course can be outlined directly in the platform you want to use. I have found Teachable to be a very easy platform for creating courses. I’ve developed curriculum for many courses simply by going into Teachable and filling in the titles and lectures. This platform makes it very easy to create a course in a matter of weeks. What I love most about Teachable is they offer a ton of support through TeachableU and they always host live events and seminars to help you get going!
Create your freebie to act as an opt-in
One of the most important digital products you should be creating and experimenting with is your opt-in freebie. This is often referred to as a lead magnet because it is what entices your audience to sign up by email.
Freebies can be worksheets, checklists, workbooks, pdf’s, printables and more. They should be created with your audience’s needs in mind.
You can use freebies to see what your audience is craving as well. Try creating freebies covering different topics related to your business. Place links to your opt-in throughout well-performing blog posts. Then pay attention to which ones perform the best! This can provide you with valuable information about which topics to develop into further digital products.
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Rinse and Repeat this formula
You can repeat this formula for any main topic. Remember, creating different digital products helps you reach your audience at many different levels. The key is to pay attention to your audience, survey them and interact with them as much as possible to generate ideas for helpful digital products.
You can sign up for our course at https://amanda-gatlin.teachable.com/p/start-a-business-online-with-be-passionate-and-prosper to learn more about creating eBooks, masterclasses and courses online.
We hope you found this helpful! Let us know if you have any questions.
-Mandy and Kyle Gatlin
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