It took a reality check and a shift in mindset to get me the income I desire. Here’s how you can also make $100 an hour and play the rest of your day…

My goal these days is to make more money per hour so I can really live my life.
We recently moved to Arizona and there are many jobs available here. The only downfall… they all pay $15 an hour.
The workers who are making that much are having to rent with others to afford a place to live. The reality is, $15 an hour isn’t going to make for a comfortable lifestyle. It barely makes the rent!
The real trade-off is in your time.
When you are working $15 an hour, you feel trapped in the thought you need to work so many hours per week just to get by. The result? You end up working 50–70 hours a week just to live! What’s the fun in that?
I say, trade up!
Start with what feels off
I made the change years ago when I was working for a boss for $8 an hour and felt miserable.
That was my first and last JOB…
I decided my time was too precious AND I was worth so much more. Instead of staying in that job, I started asking myself, “WHAT DO I WANT?” Every time I allowed myself to vision the lifestyle I desired, it didn’t include working for someone else.
So I took the leap, and I started a side hustle business decorating people’s parties with balloons.
One thing led to another, and at some point (within just 2 years), I was making more than I could make with a college degree. Within just a few years, I was hitting multiple 6 figure months.
And this was with NO special training.
I had NO business background.
I was even terrified of balloons popping in my face when I first started.
But I believed in my business and in myself.
I became clear on the lifestyle I wanted, and I didn’t look back.
Now, this belief in myself as a business owner is solidified, and it’s the reason why I’m always encouraging others to create a business and trade up.

How to start shifting your beliefs
Start with looking at what isn’t working- it’s easy to keep doing what you are doing for money because you have to pay bills, etc., but if you never take a real hard look at what is causing your suffering, you won’t ever see a reason to make a change. Perhaps your misery is there to help you make a leap. Mindfulness or awareness training can help you observe patterns and cycles that might be keeping you stuck. Speaking to someone you trust about what you’ve been thinking can also help you get perspective on what might need to change.
Don’t stay stuck in looking at what isn’t working… shift into desires- If you keep looking at what isn’t working and complain, judge yourself, try to problem-solve from your current situation, you will NOT get what you truly desire. To make a real shift, you have to be willing to ask yourself what you want and then lead yourself into making a change. It wouldn’t make sense to stay at a job and try to convince your boss to give you a $2 an hour raise when what you truly desire is to go from making $8 to $100 an hour. To make a faster shift, you need to focus on what you need to do to get what you truly want. Taking action from your desires often breaks you free from the trap you have comfortably settled into.
Get support in the beginning- the hardest step is always the first one. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you, encourage you, and mentor you can help you break out of old patterns and cycles. Fears about not being good enough can creep up and stop you from taking the necessary steps to get started, so it’s important to have people you look up to in your corner. I was able to make a faster shift because I had a mentor who had already been in the party business. She was the one who encouraged me to make the leap and start. And she served as a sounding board when I hit roadblocks along the way.
Keep going- I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to give up in the beginning stages of my business. Checking in with yourself to discover if something needs to shift or change is often all that’s needed to break you free from old beliefs and help you enter a new reality. Most people give up way too soon because they don’t see immediate results when they make changes. The key to success is to KEEP GOING. Even if you have a setback, keep going. Even if personal stuff comes up in life and you need to take a break… take a break, and then keep going. Even if you have to scratch all your original ideas and start over, keep going. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is successful people keep going.
Decide you are worth more
While you may feel trapped in a particular situation right now, know that there’s always a way to shift. Taking a look at your current beliefs can reveal how much you are keeping yourself from having all you desire. It can be eye-opening and jaw-dropping when you realize just how much your current beliefs are keeping you stuck where you are.
Just deciding that you are done with this old way of being can be the turning point.
Normalize being okay with letting go of the old you, and you will see positive change quickly. Allowing yourself to evolve in this way helps you to step into a more powerful version of yourself that knows you are worth more. This version of you is less likely to settle for smaller amounts of pay. Trust that when you feel frustrated over not being paid enough, it’s only a sign that the better version of you is waiting for you to take a scary but necessary step.
Here are some related articles and ways you can make $100 an hour:
Start a Side Hustle Life Coaching Business
Make Money as a Freelance Writer
For more business tips and ways to make money doing what you love, sign up for updates by clicking here.
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