Are you wanting to make money as a coach and work from home?
Maybe you are trying to make extra income, but everything you have tried has not worked. You have the strong desire in your heart to help others and live a passionate life, but when it comes time to implement, everything feels hard and disconnected…
Today I want to share an interview with you about a successful business coach named Taylor. She is a new mommy to a beautiful baby girl, AND has been able to create a part time coaching business making $50,000 a month.

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Make Money Coaching from Home Part Time
I’m excited to share this with you because I know so many of you are looking for something you can do from home a few hours a day that allows you the time and freedom to enjoy your family and life.
Taylor started her business just over 6 years ago and began her journey in marketing helping others promote their businesses. At some point, she noticed she was having huge successes creating promotions and content for her clients and realized she was onto something big.
What started off as a marketing venture soon led into her coaching the people whom she was assisting! This is when she knew it was time to spread her wings and start marketing her own coaching service.
What it takes to have success as a coach
Her first few tries at selling coaching services were a flop. Taylor explains, “I felt defeated. I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing wrong and not so deep down I was secretly worried I’d never sign another client again. Plus I was so far from my goal of 6-figures it felt unfeasible.”
But her persistence paid off and she set out to overcome and shift her mindset. Taylor soon started to make her mantra, “Everything is happening for my highest good.”
She shares, “I learn lessons through all of my successes and flops. Because I pay attention to what I can see in hindsight. And I have access to any answers I need within.”
How to shift your mindset to have success coaching from home
When I asked Taylor what helped her shift to have success, she explained, “Well… what happened was I opened up and clarity came through. I ‘downloaded’ intuitively an irresistible, stand out message. I created an offer I was actually confident in and wasn’t another copy and paste following my mentor’s footsteps. Then I focused only on actions that mattered. Soon after, I signed five clients in one week, and was ending the year at $179,000 cash received.”

Taylor consistently showed up on her social media and group pages, and she started to crack the code in what few things were needed in order to start securing more aligned clients.
One of the things Taylor shares is that she never connected with her own coaches or mentors telling her she needed to chase down clients. She started to listen to her own intuition and realized she needed to stop following a formula that didn’t match her own. She realized she needed to tap into her own values and keep aligning with them.
It’s important to do YOU as a coach
“There’s a point where you literally have no clue what to do – but investing over and over and over in strategies just gets you giving your power away consistently. I realized my business isn’t supposed to look like someone else’s – nobodies is. So when you invest in that way, you just get farther behind.”
When it comes to investing in herself, Taylor describes, “I invest in aligning to someone’s energy. I invest in connecting straight to someone else’s beliefs that has the abundance I want… someone who’s committed to seeing me rise. Also I invest in having someone call out my blind spots, overthinking and complicating. I want freedom in my creativity, abundance and business flow. So no, I don’t invest in new strategy, haven’t in over a year. Whether it’s a private mentor, course, or mastermind, I’m here to energetically rise up and I’m here to serve people in that way too.”
Related articles about coaching from home and starting a coach side hustle:
Life coaching business as a side hustle how to get started
Life coaching business- 3 most important things to focus on
Life coaching business model- an unconventional approach
Create your own coaching business model
Taylor threw out the traditional model of having potential clients sign up for coaching calls, and instead, she opted for inviting clients who felt aligned with her to reach out or simply sign up to work with her. She trusted that if people were feeling connected to her posts and she was being truly authentic, the right people would sign up for her offers and her coaching services.
And that’s when the coaching clients started flooding in.
Recently, Taylor has shared how she has pretty much thrown out the old ways of marketing and has turned towards showing up where it’s important.
Because of this, Taylor is hitting $50,000 months consistently, she has over 200+ women sign up for her course after only a week of launching, and her clients are hitting multi-five figures! All this while becoming a new mom!
The “glass ceiling” as they say has been shattered!

Coaching from home is possible! If you have the desire, follow it!
Taylor admits, “I used to wait to after my biggest goals until I felt ready and so many people say, ‘You’ll never be ready,’ but I don’t think that’s true… if the desire is on your heart… you are ready now.”
The best part is, Taylor gets to spend time with her newborn baby girl, “Today I put Rubie to bed who needed some extra rocking. I told her how much I love her and all she has to do is call for me anytime and I’ll be there. She fell into my arms which melted my heart and sent me into tears. I’m so thankful for our bond and her love. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
If you are interested in learning more about coaching as a way of working from home to make extra income, you can either check out our online course called Be Passionate and Prosper or you can learn more about getting one-on-one coaching by clicking here.
I know many of you have been wanting to transition into your own business or make extra money during this time. And many of you are DONE working for someone else!!!
If you have been trying to hit your goals but have a hard time hitting them, and you have been struggling with trying to get things done in your business, then I would highly recommend you check out this free coaches daily tip sheet to help you stay focused.
It’s time to rise up and shatter any glass ceilings standing in your way!
When you get the free tip sheet, you will have access to our free email training series where we share some of the most important things you can do to reach 50K months, celebrate 6-figure launches and sell out your high ticket coaching packages.
So if you’re ready to shatter the glass ceiling, unlock your unlimited potential and breakthrough those income limits that have been holding you back, click here to join this free training series!
Much love to you on your coaching journey!
Mandy Gatlin

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