I’ve done it all when it comes to trying to bring in new coaching clients… ads, funnels, networking, the whole sha-bang. When it comes to getting coaching clients who WANT to sign up with you, there is one thing to focus on most (which is completely free by the way)…
Writing them love letters…
This might sound funny. But if you want to know how to get coaching clients to ask to work with you, I’m telling you, this free advertising method works!
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How to get more coaching clients with love letters?
I will be honest, the love letters I write to my clients come out of me at the strangest moments. Which totally makes sense to me because what is a love letter really? Something you write when you are “moved.” It should come from your heart.
I’m not kidding when I say my love letters pour out of me in weird moments. I’ve learned to be prepared to make notes or recordings in the shower, while driving, even in the middle of the night! Voice recorders comes in very handy for this! Ha ha!
And if I don’t stop in the moment to write or record, the essence gets lost! So I’d suggest making it very easy to write… use the notes in your cell phone, keep a small journal with you, or use the voice recorder in your phone or buy a voice recorder.
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Why writing content that connects with your potential client works?
Writing content like this works because you are connecting with them on a deep level. And when they resonate with you on that level, they feel heard and understood. They feel like you “get” them, and they want nothing more than to open up with you and work with you more.
Also, this content connects with people who are struggling and resonating with you NOW, meaning they are going to be more anxious to work with you in THIS MOMENT. What this means is you won’t have to convince anyone to work with you. You don’t have to get all salesy on them. They will reach out to you saying things like, “Wow, it seems like you are telling my story!” “The things you are writing about are moving me.” “I landed on your page at just the right time in my life.”
See how much easier it is to connect when you are resonating with your clients needs!?!
What should you say in your love letter to connect with your ideal coaching clients?
Journal about their biggest struggles. Start with an engaging question or phrase that grabs their attention and gets right to the heart of their struggle. Then write like you are talking to your best friend.
Here’s an example of a post I did which received a lot of feedback.
The best places to post your love letters to your coaching clients
I typically post this content on my business Facebook page, Instagram feed and I make sure to include the post on my blog and newsletter.
It’s really important to focus on developing your email list. Always invite your readers to sign up for your email and then make sure to write to them at least once a week with your heart felt notes.
Top tips for how to get coaching clients with your content-
1. Plan out content creation
You don’t always have to wait for the perfect moment when you are moved to write your love letters to your clients. Dedicate a time in the day, such as right when you wake up, to think about your client and what you would love to say to her today. Then write just a little bit. Some of my posts are planned out and others pour out of me in minutes.
2. Make notes as you coach
When you are working with clients and they start talking about their struggles, make bullet point notes in your journal listing their pain points. As you coach them, write down what is connecting for them. Then dedicate some time later in the day or week to write more deeply to them (you are not going to send this to them, you are going to use it as your content). The key is to really connect as if you feel their pain. If you don’t have clients yet, think about a friend or someone close who is experiencing this struggle first hand. Then write to them (without actually sending it to them, unless you really want to).
3. Use your own experience to show vulnerability and open up.
Sharing a story about what you experienced shows them you have been through it and have life experience. You made it out on the other side ALIVE! You give your audience hope.
4. Share a tip or tool
Talk about a tool you discovered in simple terms and how it changed your life for the better. This could be delivered in a video or written up as a post. Show your audience how this tool can improve their situation immediately and lead into an offer in which you help them more in depth.
5. Always end your love letter with a call to action, tip or offer
The people who have read your love letter completely are most likely wanting to know how to work with you more. You may want to end with an invite to your group, have them sign up for your email, offer them a freebie, or send them to a product or service page.
Get coaching clients to reach out
When you strike a cord with a potential client, they will naturally reach out to you for help. By being yourself and offering guidance, you will attract the people who match up with you. Understand that you can control who you attract to a degree with the words you use in your copy. But for the most part, if you are genuine and apply the above techniques, you should start to see people responding to your content.
I hope these content tips gave you some great ideas for connecting on a deeper level with your potential clients. If you would like personal help with your content, you can learn more about working with me here.
If you are ready to create your 6 figure coaching business, head over to the Be Passionate and Prosper Course to learn everything from selecting your perfect niche to how to build your business for very low start up costs.

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