Do you love animals, want to work for yourself and set your own hours? You might want to consider starting your own pet sitting business or dog walking service.
Today I have an extremely informative interview to share with you that will show you how to make money in the pet sitting business.
I want to introduce you to my friend Kristin Morrison. I first stumbled upon Kristin when I was researching how to increase income with my side hustle as a dog walker. She provided me with a wealth of information and years of wisdom in the pet sitting business. After just a few years of starting her business, she was making over six figures. Now, Kristin is a coach for pet sitters and offers help to people trying to navigate their business.
In our interview, she shows how this can be a possible career or side hustle for you as well.
If you are looking for a new job or even just a side hustle, learning how to make money as a pet sitter might be something for you to try.
Check out the interview below for more information on how to start your own pet sitting business:
Please give us a little background on what got you started in the pet sitting business.
In my early twenties, I lived in a rental where I couldn’t have a dog, and I really missed having a dog! I also wanted to be a vet, but when I worked in a vet hospital I fainted during surgery when I saw blood. So I knew vet school was out. I met a woman one day who was walking on a bike path, and I realized she was a “professional dog walker.” We talked and she ended up hiring me a few days later. A few months later, I realized this was what I wanted to do, so I started my own business. That was in 1995, before pet sitting and dog walking were a “thing.”
How many hours a week did you start out with your pet sitting business?
For the first year I only had two clients. It was very depressing. I only worked about 5 hours a week that first year. I realized I needed to learn how to run a business as I’d never gone to school for that. So I enrolled in my own business school and read every book I could find on the subject. There were no books on pet sitting and dog walking at that time except for Patti Moran’s book. So I read books on marketing, hiring, and how to organize a successful business. It helped! Within two years I had more clients than I could handle on my own!
And then how many hours did you work when you were doing it full-time?
Two years after starting I was working full time.
Can you explain how much money you made when you first started out with pet sitting?
I did something a lot of newbies do – I charged too little. So for that first year with those two clients I only made about $500. Again, very depressing and I almost threw in the towel that first year.
How much were you making after 1 year?
How much can someone expect to make full time as a pet sitter?
Within a few years of running my business I was making barely over six-figures. A few years after that, I was making multiple six-figures! It really depends upon how much you are willing to learn (education and learning what works was a really important part of my success, since I didn’t have a business background. And even if I did, this is an usual business that requires some different ways of running it than the average business. It’s a very intimate service that’s provided: caring for pets and homes which are pet owners most cherished things.
What would be the top three things you would tell a newbie to focus on in this day and age with beginning a pet sitting business?
1. Get a really good professional website. It matters. A lot. Be willing to spend $3-5k on a nicely designed site. It will pay off in more ways than you can now imagine.
2. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. It will take too much time trying to learn on your own. It’s best to dive in and start learning from someone who has created a wildly successful pet care business. It could be me; it could be someone else. There are lots of people out there to choose from who can help you. See who you resonate with most and hire them to coach you. This will help you create business success quickly.
3. Be willing to say no to clients who live far away from you, are difficult to work with, and/or who have dogs or cats that are aggressive. Honor yourself by working with people and animals you enjoy working with.
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Is there anything you would have done differently when you first started out with your pet sitting business?
I wish that in 1995 when I started there had been someone I could have had coach me! I had to learn it all on my own. It paid off for me, but it took a long time.
I see you are primarily teaching others how to get into pet sitting now…
Yes, I’ve been coaching pet sitters and dog walkers (and other pet service owners) since 2000.
What did you love most about your pet sitting business?
I loved working with animals and their humans and having autonomy and making my own hours. I loved that I was eventually able to create a pet care business that allowed me to work 2 days a week and also travel around the world for months at a time (while I made money). There was so much I loved about the business! I sold it five years ago after running the business for 18 years.
What do you love most about what you do now?
Because I’ve coached so many people and for so many years, when I’m working with someone on the phone I can “see” right away what’s not working and go in there and pull it out (like a root!) and let my client know what they can do differently. I like to get in and get out of coaching sessions. Give them a lot of information so they can hit the ground running, fix the problem and get moving in the right direction right away (whether that be start up challenges, hiring, or getting new clients quickly).
What’s a challenge you had to overcome in your pet sitting business?
When 9/11 happened that was a huge challenge for me and my business. The pet sitting industry stopped still and I had to get creative in terms of getting the kind of clients that still had a need for what I did, which was dog walking. It took time to get more dog walking clients to make up for the gaping hole that pet sitting had left but eventually it worked. And eventually I had a lot of pet sitting clients again, when people were traveling again.
What would you recommend someone do if they want to get started in Pet Sitting?
I would recommend that they start with my newest book 30 Days To Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business. Though that book is also for those who have had their business for years, it’s a step-by-step guidebook to get a business up and running and growing quickly! Click here to check out the 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business link.
Also, my Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Start Up Kit has helped hundreds of pet sitters hit the ground running by providing the forms needed to sign on their first client right away. Click here to check out the Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Start Up Kit link.
Are there programs you recommend if someone wants to get going in their pet sitting business faster?
Click here for a list of all my eBooks, pet business success products and my webinar recordings. These are great to access anytime so you can dive in right away.
Lastly, do you have any final thoughts, words of wisdom or suggestions for someone wanting to get started in pet sitting and owning a business they love?
Go for it! Live your dream. Life is too short not to.

In 2008 Kristin founded Six-Figure Pet Sitting Academy™ and Six-Figure Pet Business Academy™ to provide coaching, webinars and business products for pet business owners.
Kristin is also the creator of the annual Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference. She also hosts the Prosperous Pet Business podcast which can be found on iTunes and the Prosperous Pet Business website.
Kristin is the author of four books: 30 Days to Start and Grow Your Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Business, Six-Figure Pet Sitting, Prosperous Pet Business and Six-Figure Pet Business. Her books are available in paperback on Amazon and in eBook format on her website:
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