What this Income Report Is
This income report will also be used as a journal to record my monthly income from all my side hustles. I guess you could say my income comes from a bunch of small businesses now. I worked for two employers in my life back when I was in college for a total of about one year and couldn’t stand it. Entrepreneurship became my new way of life, and I haven’t worked for anyone since then. Well, I guess that’s not entirely true. As a business owner, you are really working for all your customers. But the fact that I am not making some boss rich makes all the difference.
I worked my way from a negative bank account to owning a million-dollar-a-year balloon business. Much of the success of that first business can be attributed to putting together a user friendly website. Adapting to the needs of my customers ensured that I not only stayed in business but grew exponentially year upon year.
How to Adapt with your Website
The internet is constantly evolving and if you listen to your ideal client carefully, they will tell you the next moves to make online with your business.
Now I mostly coach people to help them have success in all areas of their life. I’m starting the Be Passionate and Prosper blog because I want to share all of the amazing financial and business tips I have learned through the years. My hope is that I can pass this information on to you and you can benefit from the years of trial and error.
I love showing others that you can make huge changes in your life and make money doing what you love. If I had stayed stuck in my first job, I would have never started my first business and invested money early. I’m not saying you have to quit your job. But you can start something on the side that aligns with your passions and gives you some extra money to either do the things you love or invest for your future!
Income Report May 2018
I earned $1650.10 online and blogging in May 2018 before expenses.
May was a pretty moderate month for my total earnings from my blogs. My traffic continues to grow on these blogs, and I’m seeing huge spikes in traffic coming from Pinterest. I just started using Canva to get into creating Pins more easily. I plan on utilizing Tailwind more to automate my Pinterest posts. Tailwind also helps me see which Pins are performing the best. And my goal for June is to start linking up affiliate links in my posts to create some passive income! My bigger goal for this year is create a course for the Be Passionate and Prosper website.
This course is now created and you can learn more about how to create a business you love and the various ways you can earn money by clicking here.
Anyway, to get back to the monthly income report…
The numbers for this month were lower than last month, but I also eased off coaching sessions. This allowed me more time to add content to this new blog. I’m excited to get the ball rolling with this blog and share as much as I can about starting a business, saving money and getting your financial life in order. I know money is a major cause of stress for so many people. I’m hoping to provide a space for people to come and share their financial successes and ideas! I am very excited about the potential for this new blog. Also I’m in the beginning stages of starting courses, and I can’t wait to see where things go!
If you are interested in creating a blog of your own, check out this free tutorial that will help you start a blog of your own. It walks you through getting a self hosted site. I’m currently using Bluehost and they are offering self hosted sites for around 3.95 per month (this low price is only through my link). When you sign up through my Bluehost link you will also get a free domain name (you get to pick a name for your site!). Getting your own self hosted site means you own the site (no one can ever take it down or take it away from you). If you have been wanting to make money online with a blog or website, this is the first step. In a year from now, you will be so glad you started this for yourself! The sooner you get going the better!
Here are my Income Report totals for May 2018:
Online Courses: $0
Other Courses: $350
Online Coaching: $1272.22
Adsense: $22.28
Affiliate Links: $5.60
Total: $1650.10
The income amount above is for the month of May. The courses and coaching already include fees taken out from Paypal and Square. I have minor expenses for my newsletter service and from Bluehost to pay for domain names I have purchased. After expenses and fees, I earned approximately $1640.10
Also keep in mind that I work for myself so this means I have to cover taxes (which can be around 30%. Usually they are less than this because of write-offs). There are also insurance costs and all the other benefits and expenses that come with being self employed.
Blog News
The Be Passionate and Prosper Blog is finally off and running. It’s been nagging at me for some time. I look forward to sharing monthly income reports as I dedicate my efforts to blogging exclusively over the next few months.
I have some blog goals for next month like partnering up with some affiliates to bring in products that have helped me in my blogging business! These tips will hopefully help you get up and running as well.
I’m also looking forward to creating some videos to go along with the posts, so be on the lookout for a new Youtube channel for Be Passionate and Prosper!
Related Article: Starting Your Blog Making Money Online
This Be Your Own Blog Boss course by HerPaperRoute helped me start monetizing my blog from the start and I highly recommend it if you are wanting to monetize your blog!
Site Traffic Updates
My traffic to my two established blogs, www.SweetiePieAndCupcakes.com and www.AmandaGatlin.com is hitting records month after month. The SweetiePie site had a drop in traffic for May but has picked back up for June. The burst in traffic was mostly due to one of my Pinterest pins going viral. This particular pin was for my Easy Almond Puff Pastry recipe. The picture has that clean look with the white background that seems to be really popular for branding right now. I’ll be experimenting with photos more to see what works and what doesn’t.
I’m also excited about experimenting with Tailwind again. I tried it out a year ago and didn’t really stick with it. I want to give it another shot and really stick to a posting plan of about 5 top pins a day for all of the blogs.
Since I am taking a break from coaching through the summer months, I am going to be dedicating more time to the blogs and mapping out some course ideas. I’d love your feedback and ideas. Please let me know what you would like to learn more about concerning money, investing, blogging, making money with a business or any other personal finance or business topics.
Social Media Updates
We created a group page on Facebook for Be Passionate and Prosper. Please feel free to join that page for updates about new articles, money saving tips, business set up advice and more. I also invite you to ask a question. Please leave a comment below to ask your question and I will feature one question and answer in next month’s income report.
Courses I Recommend to Get You Started Monetizing Your Blog
Be Your Own Blog Boss course by HerPaperRoute gave me concrete ways to start monetizing my blog from the very beginning. Chelsea walks you through setting up a blog from start to finish and she shows you the fastest ways to get more traffic and monetize your blog!
Facebook Strategies Worth Sharing Ebook showed me how to build up my facebook followers organically and without spending any money. My Facebook followers started to climb when I implemented her easy-to-use strategies. I learned a ton of new things from Brittany Ann with this Ebook and it’s one of the most affordable tools I’ve invested in.
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