When you are trying to start or run your life coaching business, it can feel very overwhelming to try to decide what to put your focus on. And this overwhelm could be keeping you from making money in your coaching business. In this post, you are going to learn the three most important things you need to focus on that will help you make money as a life coach.
You might think it’s important to figure out your niche, or get clear on your messaging, or to develop a sales funnel. You might even have a full time job while you are trying to get your coaching business off the ground. These are all reasons people share with me about why they can’t make money as a life coach.
The reality is, you don’t need any of those things to be a successful coach or to start making money as a coach.

What happens when you focus on “figuring things out” in your coaching business?
When you focus on the random things you think you’re supposed to be doing in your coaching business, your brains goes into a funnel about how you can solve that problem. This means your mind becomes obsessed about that one thing (whether it be funnels, ideal clients, creating content), and then you aren’t doing the simple tasks that actually have the greatest return.
How much of your day are you spending on figuring out what to write? Or deciding what your perfect niche is?
How much energy is going towards trying to solve these problems?
I’m guessing a ton!
I was there, and I know how frustrating it feels to spin your wheels on the things that don’t produce results.
What are the 3 most important things to focus on for your life coaching business?
- Meet People
- Tell them you are a life coach
- Offer to help them
Life coaching is about people…
If you are struggling to get clients, then most likely, you are not going out to meet people.
I did this early on in my coaching business. I stayed inside my home and hoped someday someone would land on my webpage and find my coaching service.
If you are worried about what your friends and family will think of you, and you are afraid to announce that you are a coach, how will anyone ever know?
Most likely you are already helping people naturally. But the one thing you might be doing that’s keeping you held back is you’ve never officially declared you are a coach.
It’s time to claim it officially! One way to do this is to start going out and meeting people. You can meet people at networking events, chamber of commerce, local downtown events, even doing things you love, like fitness classes, concerts, learning events and seminars.
Take the pressure of selling out of the equation. When you are at an event or being social, just be your helpful self. And when they ask you what it is you do, simply state, “I’m a life coach!”
Related: Life coaching business as a side hustle- how to get started
How to shift your belief that you are a life coach
Do you believe you are a successful life coach yet? If not, going to a networking event and telling strangers you are a coach can help you shift YOUR OWN BELIEFS about yourself. Here’s how:
Think of the networking event as an opportunity for you to start seeing your own abilities. When you interact with people and allow your true self to shine at these events, wait for feedback. A lot of times, you will hear people express aspects about you that you don’t even remember about yourself.
For example, when I allow my true intuitive self to shine at an event, people will often respond with, “How did you know that about me? What else do you see? I’ve been experiencing XYZ… what do you think that is?” It opens up the conversation and leaves them curious and wanting more.
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What it means if you are nervous about revealing you are a life coach…
We all have moments of questioning our worth. It’s totally normal to wonder if you are on the right path to fulfilling your purpose. Social events can be a playful way for you to start to recognize your worth and discover your true abilities as a life coach.
You might be feeling nervous or having a hard time when you go to events because you are hiding who you really are. If you remind yourself to “just be you,” it can take quite a bit a pressure off about having to “perform.”
Many people or business owners think they are going to networking events to find their ideal client or make a sale.
The truth is, no one wants to be sold at a networking event.
If you are nervous, then you might be either trying too hard to find clients, or you might not actually believe you are a coach yet.
I guarantee if you go to an event with the intention of having fun and being yourself, people will naturally want to meet you and interact with you.
Get over it and tell them how much you charge as a life coach
The one thing I hear life coaches struggling with the most is their “offer.”
They don’t know how much to charge or they aren’t clear about their offer. This is something you must take some time to get clarity about ahead of time.
I remember I was very nervous about charging for my sessions. But I also knew it was time to start charging something. When I asked myself how much I should charge, I came up with $25 an hour. After just a few sessions, I realized this rate was way too low. So I bumped it up to $45, then $65, then $95. Now I have programs specifically designed to help people for weeks and months at a time.
The important thing to note is that only you can answer the question… “How much should I charge?” It has to come from within you so it feels aligned. Here’s a post where I talk about discovering how much to charge for your life coaching business.
Final tips for a successful life coaching business
Remember that having success in your life coaching business comes down to 3 actions: Go out! Be yourself and listen to people! Make an offer!
Most people are craving to talk to someone who is a good listener. Going out and meeting people gives you the opportunity to meet fresh faces and to genuinely connect with people.
If you just focus on being yourself, people will be attracted to your authenticity. If you have an agenda, you are doing it wrong. Just be playful and curious and enjoy your conversation. Usually this will lead to people naturally coming to you.
When you align with the belief that you are a coach, and you do the work to align your offer, the right people will want to work with you!
What about you? What do you feel like is keeping you held back from making money in your life coaching business? Share or comment below!

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