Getting distracted by family is a reality, but don’t let that stop you from writing!

We all need a little quiet when we are trying to focus and create.
When a new idea comes to me, it never fails that my sexy husband starts chatting it up with me about something he finds intriguing like the latest Formula One race or his newest off-grid van project he is excited about.
Of course, there’s also the buzz of my phone as he shares a cute dog video because he knows those cheer me up every time. “Yes sweetie, the doggie-jumping-the-fence meme is hilarious…”
It’s hard to stay focused on writing with so many distractions, but I’ve found the secret
All joking aside, it can be hard to stay focused on your writing in this day-in-age with all the distractions and normal, everyday-life things to do.
On top of that, I share a small space with my hubby. We now live and work from our RV. So, I’ve found a little secret that I wanted to share in this post that might help others, especially if they have children, a spouse, a pet, or dishes beckoning them to be washed…
The bathroom can be your writing sanctuary.
It’s true…
You can lock yourself in there, set your smartphone to silent mode, and write away!
I use the notes app on my phone to write down everything from lists of titles to topic ideas to full-blown posts. Once I land on something that feels right as an idea, I let the juices flow (no pun intended), and I write without worrying about editing. I don’t stop until I have a rough outline or rough draft. Once I get all my ideas out, I email myself the note, and later when I sit down with my laptop, I copy and paste the typed rough draft into my blog.

Thank goodness we have smartphones now… They make it so we can literally write ANYWHERE, including the bathroom
Could you imagine sitting on the toilet with a typewriter on your lap…
You can easily type on your phone while you are doing tasks like putting on makeup, brushing teeth, using the restroom, and dare I say, showering.
If you need to write hands-free, use the voice recorder on your smartphone, or find the little microphone in the bottom right of your notes app so you can voice record yourself talking out your posts. Email yourself the note later and edit the draft in your desired platform.
Three reasons why I lock myself in the bathroom to write
So without further a-do (that also was not an intended pun, but now I just feel like my writing abilities just went up a level, or should I say down a level)…Here are my top three reasons why I lock myself in the bathroom to write:
One… my attention span is that of a hummingbird. Thanks to the Tik-tok algorithm, I am now being shown ADHD med ads daily. Apparently, I’ve been diagnosed by Tik Tok as having low focus and attention deficit disorder. I am not a fan of taking meds for random issues especially when they are being diagnosed by social media. I choose more “natural” methods for working thru my issues. The bathroom was the most “natural” solution I could come up with… I’ve literally just written this whole article while in the bathroom.
Two… my husband loves me and genuinely wants to share every moment of life together. I love him very much, and it’s hard for me to NOT pay attention to him. I get distracted way too easily while sitting at the table in our rig, and the bathroom allows me to have an enclosed space that also feels distraction-free, but also time-limit oriented. I don’t want to spend my ENTIRE day locked in the bathroom writing. Being in there allows me to have time to focus while also having a time limit.
Three… sometimes I get amazing ideas on the toilet, and it’s an easy place to write and be productive. It’s true… I mean look, you can sit there and look at Tik-Tok and Instagram all day, or you can be productive and write and make some money while blogging.
In all seriousness, there should be nothing stopping you from finding your own little writing sanctuary where you can connect to your creative flow and write. Experiment with random places until you find what works for you. Nothing is off-limits, closets, garden sheds, your car, your local coffee shop, even your bathroom. Whatever works!
Where is your writing sanctuary? Are you finding some places to be more productive than others???
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