Do you struggle with writer’s block? This routine helps me write with intention and have a greater impact. This is my morning practice for writing an article on the fly.

I’ve turned my morning stretching habit into a time of reflection about how I can best serve my specific audience. This allows me some time to be intentional with my thoughts and think about the people I’m serving.
During this time, I reflect on…
What would help my audience do better? Make more money? Uplevel in some way? What do I know that can get them “there” faster? “There” being the other side of the bridge they are trying to cross to get to what they truly want.
Usually, an idea flows in while I’m stretching. I let it “bake” in my mind for a few minutes, playing with some titles to see if I can nail down a topic that feels like something they would really want to know more about.
Once I’ve locked onto the main title or idea, I grab my phone, go to the notes app, and I dedicate some time to writing down main points about why this topic matters to them… them being my audience.
Writing down WHY it matters is the key to helping your audience see the reason for taking steps and how it can change their life.
Making this connection between what you are sharing and how it matters to them is so important. Without that, it falls flat. They won’t feel any importance in what you are expressing or how it helps them. Think of someone who is stuck on the other side of the bridge as you are explaining how to cross it.
As I’m stretching and making notes, I let main ideas flow by listing them as bullet points. Once I’ve locked onto something that feels good, then I just write without worrying about editing. I continue writing and sharing what comes up in my mind. I let words and concepts spill out without interruption. It’s important not to stop this flow by trying to be perfect right now. This part of the process is about focusing on recording key elements and being okay with being messy.
Generally, this part of the process starts putting me INTO my writing, and suddenly I’m in what I call a kind of writing trance where I’m allowing ideas to flow thru me as I type them out.
After I’ve completed writing my thoughts for a good half hour, I go back and fill in any blanks in the writing. At this point, I’m waiting to see if any new ideas pop in, and I also allow for more details to be added.
I’m always keeping my mind on what my audience needs to get from this article to help them see it’s possible to get to the other side of the “bridge.”
I finish up by asking myself, “Is there anything I’ve left out that they need to know?” If so, I add it in. This sometimes leads to new ideas for future articles and posts, and I will add those as a separate note in my phone so I can expand on those ideas another day.
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