Do you want to be your own boss and set your own hours? You might want to consider starting your own work at home transcription business.
Today I have an extremely informative interview to share with you that will show you how to make money as a transcriber.
I want to introduce you to my friend Janet Shaughnessy. I first stumbled upon Janet’s website when I was researching how to increase income with my side hustle as a transcriber. She provided me with a wealth of information and years of wisdom in the transcribing business. After running her own transcription business from home for over 10 years, Janet started a training program called TranscribeAnywhere (with this link, you can get the free mini-course). Her course teaches people how to transcribe and start their own transcription business.
In our interview, she shows how this can be a possible career or side hustle for you as well.
If you are looking for a new job or even just a side hustle, learning how to make money as a transcriber might be something for you to try.
Check out the interview below for more information on how to start your own work at home transcription business:
Please give us a little background on how you got started with your work at home transcription business?
I actually learned to transcribe back in high school. At that time (ancient history), we learned shorthand and used typewriters. I began my work-at-home transcription business when my husband became disabled. I simply couldn’t keep up with my demanding job and have the time freedom I needed to take care of him. Bosses aren’t very understanding when you need too much time off. After a few stumbles, I sat down and thought about what skills I had that could produce income from home. Palm to the forehead! Transcription!
I already had experience as a medical transcriptionist, so that’s where I started. I do want to point out, though, that I pretty quickly transitioned into general and legal transcription. Medical transcription is no longer a great career choice. The demand for qualified Medical Transcribers, along with the pay, has decreased pretty dramatically with the adoption of the electronic medical record. Fortunately, the demand for qualified general transcribers and legal transcribers is growing.
How many hours a week do you spend with your work at home transcription business?
My focus now is mainly on training general and legal transcriptionists. When I first started my transcription business, we were in pretty dire financial straits. I worked A LOT. There were times when I swear I existed on naps. Now, not everyone needs to work like that, but it was the position I was in at the time. I’d do it all again, though, because I never even dreamed that I’d have the lifestyle that I enjoy now. The bottom line is that transcriptionists are self-employed. We get to choose when, where, and how often we work. Some work full-time and some work part-time.
Can you explain how much money you make from a work at home transcription business?
I built my business to six figures, but not everyone wants to do that. Working part-time is perfectly fine. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average for general transcribers is $45,000 a year. It’s $65,000 a year for legal transcribers. That’s a national average for full-time transcriptionists. Some earn more and some earn less.
Related article: Transcription Side Hustle Business (Free guide to how to get started, including a list of Transcription Job companies you can work with right now!)
How much can you expect to make starting out as a transcriber? What would be your advice to newbies just starting out?
Although we’re not paid by the hour, newly qualified transcriptionists should expect to earn about $15 an hour. That increases as you build your skills and clientele.
My advice to anyone interested in working as a transcriptionist is to learn the facts and get some training before jumping in. There are a lot of misconceptions out there. We’re not merely typists, and there’s a lot more to it than most people realize. We offer a free mini-course to help people decide whether or not transcription is the right choice for them. It’s not for everyone. Here’s a great way to check out more about becoming a transcriptionist and see if it feels like a fit.
What would you tell a newbie to focus on for their work at home transcription business?
Other than training and practice, you need to be a self-starter who enjoys working alone. Failing to meet a client deadline will kill your business quicker than you got started. Dependability is a must. Keeping great communication with your clients is also important. Self-discipline is a key ingredient.
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What do you love most about your transcribing business?
I love everything, especially that I get to work from home or from anywhere. Have laptop will travel! Time freedom, to me, is absolutely priceless. I’m typing this in my PJ’s and bathrobe right now. If I never wear another suit or pantyhose in my lifetime, I’ll be very happy. 🙂 I love that I learn new things every single day. I have some really interesting clients.
What’s a challenge you had to overcome with your work at home transcription business?
Fear! Fear of failure and of success. Looking back, I realize that we all experience these feelings when starting something new. But it’s okay. Fear has the same physical manifestations as excitement, so I chose to look at it as excitement.
Is there anything you would have done differently when you first started out?
Yes, I wouldn’t have fallen victim to shiny-object syndrome. Rather than focusing on solving other people’s problems, which is what transcription does, I have to admit that I wasted time and money on some scammy programs that promised a lot for doing very little. It’s all lies. If anyone pitches something like that to you, run away. Nothing will bring you success but hard work.
What would you recommend someone do if they want to get started with a work at home transcription business?
The first step is to enroll in our free mini-course to see if transcription is a good fit for you. Check out the mini course by clicking here.
Here are some student reviews from Janet’s course:
“The course is very thorough and includes enough practice transcriptions that it truly prepared me to enter the field of general transcription. I am so glad that I signed up for this Transcribe Anywhere course! I landed my first gig within two weeks of completing the course!” Dianne C.
“I am a homeschooling mom to six cute kiddos and wife to a wonderful husband. This transcription course was found when I was looking for a way to supplement my husband’s income. I was excited to find something I could do that would use some of the skills I’ve improved upon while teaching my children. The course was an easy read and provided me with exactly what I needed to break into the transcription business. I am immensely grateful for the 60 + sample files that gave me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes. I would not have wanted to make the same mistakes on paid work. The knowledge and experience I’m gaining from transcription is helping me to better teach my kiddos as well!” Elizabeth M.
Lastly, do you have any final thoughts, words of wisdom, or suggestions for someone wanting to get started in transcribing and owning a business they love?
It’s important to take the free mini-course first before investing time and money to train for something that might not be right for you.

Bio: Janet Shaughnessy began working from home as a medical transcriptionist in 2007, later branching out into general and legal transcription and forming her own company, Zoom Transcription Services. Prior to launching her own successful online business, Janet worked in the insurance and medical industries in different capacities, primarily administration. She now teaches online courses through her TranscribeAnywhere program and enjoys spending time with her family and church.
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