If you want to attract high end clients and have success in your business, your mindset has to be in the right place. Without a clear and centered mindset, you won’t know WHO you most need to be speaking to or HOW to speak with them. In this post, we’re going to take a look at the ways you might be creating content from an unclear place, and how this might be attracting clients who are not a good match for you. I’m also going to share how you can avoid making these simple content mistakes so you can attract high end clients who are excited to work with you!
Ultimately, what you believe in your mind is going to dictate how successful you are in business.
Read that again!!!
If you are going to be an entrepreneur, you need to do the inner work CONSTANTLY. Your growth and ability to thrive as a business will depend on your ability to break through limiting beliefs that will surface from time to time. And when I say time to time, I really mean almost daily 😉
As a business owner, there is no BOSS to pat you on the back or inspire you to do a better job. Let’s be real though… Are most bosses doing that anyway??? Probably not.
So here’s the deal. You’ve got to put some things in place early on in your business to help you navigate YOU. If you are left to your own devices, you will most likely encounter a slew of roadblocks that can end up costing you money (in both income and expenses!!!)
The reason I say this is because I’ve been there!
I’ve run ads without thinking, and then attracted THE WRONG clients.
I’ve said yes to lower end clients, and then later realized I spent more than I made to work with them! Wha whaaaa???
And I’ve designed offers centered around my clients fears, thinking this was going to help them overcome them. WRONG!!! We’ll later see how this mindset attracts people who are not ready to shift or buy.
There’s nothing like real life experience to slap you in the face and quickly make you realize you didn’t start a business to GIVE AWAY the farm.
You started a business to live a better life!
And when you are clear about what that better life looks like (I call this being centered to your vision) and how you can best serve and show up for your people, then you will attract the people who are excited and ready to work with you and buy from you.
Video on the mindset and content you need to attract high end clients
Watch this video from our YouTube channel and then read on to get tips for getting in the right mindset to create content for high end clients.
How an unclear mindset can lead to unclear content which ultimately leads to attracting poor clients
When you start to understand the power of your thoughts and what you believe to be true, you develop an awareness about how you are creating your own reality.
It’s very easy to get sidetracked (because of your limiting beliefs, doubts, worries, fears) and then create content that attracts clients who are not a great match for you. It’s also easy to create content that attracts lower end clients because you just don’t know what language to be using to attract higher-level clients.
Let me give you a very simple example of how my limiting beliefs led me to creating content that resonated with the WRONG clients.
When I started my first business, I was scared to approach businesses with my products and services. I had started a balloon and helium supply company, and thought my ideal client was everyday people having parties at home.
So I purchased an ad (committed to $200 a month for a year), and used the word “BALLOONS” in the ad. That one word did me in! Within a few days of running the ad, I started getting phone calls from moms wanting 5 balloons for their kids’ birthday parties.
Picture me doing a head smack here.
After a few deliveries, and making just a few dollars per order, I quickly realized I was going to be exerting a ton of effort for very little reward!
I decided to take a chance and shift my focus from people doing parties to businesses that needed to attract more clients (by flying balloons outside their location).
Soon after, I ran a new ad with the word “HELIUM” and also clarified that I worked with businesses and could deliver.
This changed everything!
The initial advertising decision could have cost me millions! My own early unchecked fears probably resulted in monetary losses in the thousands. BUT that experience was necessary for me to realize who I could best serve while feeling happy and fulfilled by the lifestyle I desired.
The mindset you hold while creating content can make or break you in business. Having awareness about who you really want to work with and what lifestyle you desire is KEY!
The important thing I learned was I needed to be more intentional and have awareness about WHO I was choosing to speak to.
Let’s delve into some of the ways your mind might be blocking you from attracting high end clients.
Do an audit of your mindset and content
It’s important to do an audit of your content and marketing efforts and assess where you might be going wrong. Here are a few ways you might be attracting the wrong clients to your business…
1. You are creating content out of fear
Are you worrying about not having enough income and then creating content as well as products and services from a place of fear? Or are you aligned and centered to your values and client’s higher needs and creating messaging and offers that help them uplevel continually? Does your content speak to their true needs, or are you manipulating them into believing they aren’t good enough without you or your products? If you create content based on fear, guess what kind of clients you will attract???
2. You are lowing your standards because you don’t believe you are enough
Maybe you just started your business, and you think you are not qualified enough to work with high end clients. Or perhaps you never got certified as a coach, and you think you don’t have enough training. While it’s true there are some industries that require a certain level of education for you to be qualified to coach or consult, in many cases, no certification is necessary. There is no reason for you to lower your standards when you are just starting out. If you don’t feel ready because you aren’t enough, it’s important to “check” this in yourself and evaluate if this belief is actually true and serving you.
3. You don’t know what you are capable of
It is totally possible that you have not had the chance to shine your true gifts yet, so you may not even know what you are capable of. This is a great opportunity to check in to see if you are playing it safe or perhaps become comfortable with being comfortable. Are you listening for where you need to be showing up more, challenging yourself, breaking away from the norm and trusting your own intuition about what the market needs? The most influential and successful business owners are the ones who think outside the box and aren’t scared to innovate and reiterate.
4. You are sidetracked by your doubts and fears
It’s very easy to get sidetracked because of your limiting beliefs, doubts, worries, and fears, and then create content that attracts clients who are not a great match for you. Usually, this shows up as procrastination or perfectionism. Many people think they need to do the work of “going deep” on studying their fears and all the things that cause them. This can lead you down a rabbit hole for years if you let it and can cost you big time in income because you never quite level up. It can also cost you in expenses because you spend tons of money on therapy and self-help courses. I’m not saying you shouldn’t spend money on bettering yourself, but again, remember… what you focus on expands and becomes your reality. So if you are focusing on fears, what will expand??? Deciding that you are ready and taking aligned actions are a better way to grow your business.
5. You honestly don’t know who you best work with
If you are new to coaching or just started a business, you may not even know who your ideal, high end client is. When you are in the beginning stages of your business, you might just be “throwing spaghetti at the wall” to test out various markets. This is perfectly normal and can be honed (as we’ll explore methods for upleveling your message below).
6. You have no idea where you are going wrong
It can be hard to see where you are going wrong in creating content. In this case, you might be wasting A LOT of time in marketing to people who may not be your ideal client (and you don’t even know it). With my first business, I made this mistake, and at a huge expense! I wrote up an ad really quickly without thinking carefully about the type of client I wanted to work with. In this case, mapping out who you want to work with and how you can best serve them will help you get more clarity. If you feel stuck or like you are spinning your wheels when it comes to creating content, using a coach or marketing strategist can help.
7. You are not “delivering” in a special/unique way that stands out
Maybe you are creating products and services, but they are not speaking to your high end clients in a unique way. It’s important to get to know your clients and what they need. With my balloon and helium business, I quickly found out that my ideal client didn’t want to have to drive out to pick up supplies; they wanted it all delivered. I quickly adapted and not only delivered to their doorstep, but also set up the tank for them and even showed them how to use the balloons to grab attention. I charged a premium for this special type of service. Many business owners I talk to struggle with believing that customers will pay a premium. Again, if you don’t believe those high end clients exist, then you will probably NEVER create the unique products and services that attract them.
The mindset you need to create content that attracts high end clients
Having awareness while you are creating content for your business can help you have more success. It’s key to make sure you are centered, clear, knowing who you want to work with, and feeling excited to work with those people.
Here are the steps to take to help you become more aligned before you create content to speak directly to your ideal, high end client.
1. Know your personal goals
It’s important to know the lifestyle you desire as well as the number you want to hit. Do you know how much you want to be making each month? Have you been hiding your goals and dreams from yourself and the people around you? Who do you need to tell to make it real?
2. Check-in with your mindset
Are you in a positive place and feeling clear and centered about your goal (or is your mind hopping around in doubts, worries, and fears)? Do you believe you can make 5k, 10k, 20k, or 50k a month? If you don’t believe this, there are things you can do to get support and help with changing limiting beliefs.
3. Write down your truth
It’s important to get clear about who you need to be working with to meet your business goals. Who is the higher end client you are meant to be servicing? What team members do you need in order to support you in your goals? Do you need to find a coach or mentor who challenges you to move into a higher level?
4. Write about who you are meant to be working with and why
In your heart, you probably already know what type of client you are meant to be working with and why. If you take some time to write about this, you will find yourself creating content naturally. Something that helps me start writing for my ideal, high end client is focusing on the outcome they want and need. Focusing on the OUTCOME will help you define why this is so necessary in their life.
5. Write down your current offer
What is the offer that is most on your heart to share right now? If you develop an offer from this place, you are using your intuition to guide you in business. This allows you to be creative and adapt to what is needed in the current times. When you write out your offer, make sure to be clear about who it serves and what outcome they can expect. Also be very clear about the details, such as the price, how long you will work together, how you will work together, etc. If you need help with mapping out your offer, check out our coaching bundle by clicking here.
6. Write your content with your highest level client in mind
Now that you know who your highest level client is and what are they needing, and you have created an offer specific to their needs, it’s time to create content that speaks directly to them!
This is where it’s really important to make sure you are speaking to them from an empowered place as opposed to a fearful place.
The difference here looks like this… a fearful client who might or might not buy and probably won’t do the work might be thinking: “I’m scared I’m too fat, so I need you to help me lose weight.” So you create content that looks like this: “Do you struggle with losing weight, let me help you…”
An empowered and ready client will be thinking, “I know I want to lose 10 lbs. and feel healthy and strong by March.” So you create content that looks like this: “Would you love to know my secrets for how you can lose 10 lbs. by eating healthy yummy foods and do it just 3 months?” This copy will attract people who are interested in what you know, and they are excited to apply your healthy eating tips to get a desired, measured result.
How to attract high end clients with positive motivation
Who are you speaking to right now and what tone are you using??? Look at the last few pieces of content you have created. What kind of person are you speaking to? Are you attracting “ready to buy” clients? What are you motivating people to do after reading your content? Are you speaking to their fears? Or are you clearly motivating and inspiring them to try out your products, offers, and services from an empowered place?
The easiest way to “activate” high end clients is to motivate them to act from their desires for a better life rather than from their fears. Identify what a better life means to them, and your content will resonate with their soul.
Shifting your own anxiety to move in a better direction with your business
Are you stuck in anxiety? This could be showing up in the content you are creating… if you are anxious, you will attract anxious clients. When you are clear, you will attract clients who are clear and ready.
You don’t need to convince people who are not ready
Know that when someone resonates with your content, they will buy from you. It’s common for business owners (who are usually problem solvers), to try to help people who have a problem to fix. You may think you want to help them or you can help them, but then you end up wasting your precious time trying to convince them to buy from you. When in actuality, they are NOT ready. They are only wanting to complain and vent, and they have not made their decision yet.
You want to be putting out content that speaks to the people who have made up their minds to change, and they are ready to buy what you are teaching or offering them.
What language or keywords does your ideal, high end client use?
Are you using THE WORDS that speak to your high end client?
Remember my story about using the word “helium” (to work with businesses) instead of using the word “balloons” (which spoke to moms who need a few balloons for a party)? Imagine if I had never changed that one word in my ad copy!!!
Ask yourself… what are the words your high end client is using daily?
Does your content relate to them? If not, what language or keywords do they use?
How will you upgrade your mindset to attract high end clients?
Hopefully this post inspired you to take a closer look at your current content and see where you might be able to make slight tweaks to start attracting high end clients.
Ultimately, your content should be a reflection of your highest values as a business owner. When you are able to tap into a better mindset, you will be able to convey those values in a clear way. When this clarity is conveyed, your ideal, high end clients WILL feel connected to you and decide you are the ONE to work with… I can’t tell you how many times clients reach out to me and say, “I just know I’m supposed to work with you.”
Don’t be afraid to choose to upgrade your mindset as you progress through your business journey. Your clients will grow with you, and as a result, you will create lasting relationships.
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