If you have the desire to be making 50K a month in your coaching business, but you are struggling to break into five figure months, there might be some key things holding you back in your business + life. Once you are able to identify what is blocking you from hitting your goals, you can overcome them and move into those higher income months you have been desiring. If you have been feeling like there is something holding you back from making 50K a month in your coaching business, this article may help you identify what those blocks are so you can unlock higher income levels. In this post, I’m going to share:
- The beginning of my business journey and what held me back from making 50K a month in my business.
- A tool I used to help me focus on my bigger income goals for the month and year.
- Some of the most common things I see holding people back from making 50K a month in their coaching business
- And what you can do to shift into higher income months so you can make 50K or more a month in your business.
Hopefully this post inspires you to think bigger and go after what you know you should be making in your own business.
What held me back from making 50K a month in my business?
When I first started my business, I never even thought 50K months were possible! All I knew was that I wanted to stop working for others. I was tired of making my bosses rich, and I had a strong desire to work for myself. I honestly didn’t care how much I was making, as long as I had more freedom and autonomy in my work days.
Once I got my business off the ground, and I started the marketing process, I soon realized I was thinking way too small. I was promoting in the wrong way, using the wrong language, directed at the wrong types of clients. Because of my limited thinking, I was attracting the wrong clients- they definitely were not high ticket.
This was the first time I realized the power of mindset and advertising. Click to read and watch a video about how just changing a few words in my advertising had a huge impact in my income. The wrong words were keeping me held back from making 50K months.
I also realized after that big boo-boo in my advertising that I actually did have bigger desires. It was time for me to make way more than what I was initially making. I could feel it. And I knew early on with those first customer interactions that they were not my ideal clients.
It was becoming clear that I had a vision for a business that could provide me the lifestyle I was desiring. I knew I wanted to be able to pay monthly bills easily, own a home, be able to pay car payments, reinvest and grow my business, and also save for retirement.
This meant I needed to be making at least 5 figures a month.
My way to 50K months in business started with a white board
I’m a visual person.
I need to be able to see things to be able to learn or grasp a concept.
Anytime I am working out a problem or trying to visualize a solution, I grab a piece of paper and pen. And I start drawing, or making lists, or writing things down.
I also have to write things down to remember them… to stay focused on them.
One of the best things I ever did when I started my business was I put a huge white board on the wall opposite of my desk.
On that white board, I wrote down my list of goals for the year, AND I wrote down the number I wanted to hit in income for the month and year. I also wrote down my savings goal for the year.
Having this white board in my field of vision daily helped me to stay focused on my goals and aspirations. It acted as my daily reminder to help me make decisions aligned with my goals. Without it, I’m pretty sure I would not have accomplished the amazing things I did with such a small operation.
Having this white board helped me to become clear on what I wanted, and that set the foundation for my success.
Next I just needed to make the decisions and take the necessary steps to make those bigger goals a reality.
If I wanted to make 50K a month, I needed to be leading myself, making BIG decisions and taking aligned actions
Thinking back, there were some critical times in my business where I needed to make really big decisions.
Sometimes I made those decisions from a place of confidence and sometimes I wavered… What did I notice???
When I waited and wavered, it just held me back longer from having big breakthroughs. Are you guilty of this??? 🙋♀️
Eventually I pulled the trigger, but now looking back, I see that I could have enjoyed success so much faster if I had just went for it and started creating and offering products and services for my audience!
I learned that I can essentially compress my success timeline if I choose to make BIG, strategic decisions more quickly.
If things feel like they are moving slowly for you (or NOT AT ALL), this can be an indication that you are holding yourself back. It’s time to start taking the bigger steps that are needed if you are going to have higher income months and make 50K a month in your coaching business.
Here are a few examples of things that could be holding you back from making 50K a month…
If you have been struggling to reach 5 figure months and really desire to hit bigger income goals such as 50K a month in your business, it’s time to take a look at what might be holding you back.
Here are a few of the most common things I see holding business owners back from making 50K a month or more with their business:
1. Waiting for everything to be perfect
I mentioned earlier when I “went for it” in my big business decisions, that’s when I started seeing greater success and hitting 50K months in my business. Instead of waiting for everything to be perfect, I decided to just “go for it” even though everything was not all figured out. It’s not always easy to just “go for it” when you are faced with the fear of the unknown. But this is where mindset is key. It’s easy to become blocked because you are waiting for the right opportunity or the right time to do something. Just know that the time is always NOW! If you have the urging, or what I call, “nagging,” to coach, then let yourself do it now. Click here for a related article on how you can get your coaching side hustle started right away.
It’s okay to be a little scared. That’s honest, and we’ve all been there. Heck, every time I’m about to take a next big step, that same fear pops up.
But something I’ve learned is there is no “right time” to do anything. And when the challenge takes you outside of your comfort zone, a positive outcome may always seem impossible. But this is when you need to lead yourself (coach yourself) and say something like, “Screw it, I’m just doing it anyway!”
Most likely, when you take a big chance on yourself like this, you are going to have an amazing outcome, and a great story to tell!
2. Not being clear on what you want or who your ideal client is…
When you know exactly what you want in your business and life, it becomes easier to take the necessary action. One of the easiest ways to get more clarity is to define your values. Begin by asking yourself what your top five values are. They could be anything, but they will be unique to YOU. If you know the type of lifestyle you value, a freedom lifestyle, for example, this sets the stage for the type of business you will build. It becomes easier to take aligned actions when you have clarity about what you truly desire. This clarity also becomes your guide when it comes time to make decisions in your business and life.
Having clarity on what you want and who you work with can also help you speak directly to the right people in your marketing. I made this mistake early on in my first business, and it was a lesson that has stayed with me forever. Now I am more intentional with the words I use in my marketing and social media because I know exactly who I love working with. This makes it easier to say no to the people who are not a match and to be excited when the right client comes in!
3. You’re not thinking BIG enough
Not thinking big enough is probably the most common block I see holding people back from making five figure months in their business. I have been guilty of this multiple times in the businesses I have owned. Looking back, I see that it was my own fears about whether I could handle the work and provide the high level of value that kept me from reaching $50K months sooner. These were just fears, and I was allowing those fears to stress me out. Once I decided that I was ready to go for my full potential, that’s when the $50K and even $100K months started. When I dug deep and looked at how I was thinking, I realized I was thinking too small. And that came from believing that I wasn’t good enough or skilled enough yet. This showed up as frustration and disappointment. And I thought I was disappointed from not hitting my goals, but I was actually disappointed for not going for them.
When it comes to thinking BIGGER in your business, take a look at things like… the types of clients you are working with (are you staying in your comfort zone or challenging yourself to work with people on a higher level), the type of offer you are creating (are you creating products and services that serve your clients in a special way), whether your offer is scalable (can you get this product or service out to many clients), and your ability to maintain a high level of service (is the burden all on your shoulders or are you putting a team in place to help you).
4. You have not discovered your high ticket or scalable offer
You don’t necessarily need to have a high ticket offer to make $50K a month, but it does make it easier to hit your monthly income goals if you make more per sale. Think of it this way… you can spend your time and money on trying to convince people to buy your $30 ebook, or you can spend the same amount of time letting people know about your $1500 course or $3000 mastermind group.
With a high ticket offer, you generally charge more for your product or service, but the benefit to your client is it provides them with very high value. This means they will receive everything they need to have a successful transformation all bundled up into your offer.
To go BIGGER in business, you will want to start focusing your marketing on clients who pay for a higher level of products or service. Again, you will need to use specific words in your marketing so it relates to the right potential client. You will also want to find ways to scale your offer by automating your marketing so your ideal clients can find you easily.
If you have not discovered your high ticket offer yet, start by writing down a BIG transformation your client needs right now. What is something she is struggling with and may need multiple sessions to learn in order to accomplish this change? How can you package up this offer for her so she actually goes through the transformation?
5. You delay getting your offer out there or you give up too soon
Many coaches just never actually get their offer created. Sometimes this happens because they don’t take action on a great idea. I’ve also seen coaches give up too soon when they put an offer out and get no response. What you may not understand is your potential clients are eagerly waiting for you to offer products and services that help them. And more often than not, they watch your offer come and go and they feel bad about skipping out. THIS IS WHY IT’S SO IMPORTANT TO KEEP OFFERING!!!
Seriously!!! Don’t give up when you have one flopped launch!
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve marketed for an offer and no one signs up, but then I get a flood of messages for people to work with me one on one. Here’s the thing… you might think you know what your clients want or need, but you might not be offering it in the way they desire to work with you.
What’s important is you show that you are thinking about them and you are creating with them in mind.
Lots of times, just doing the work to sit and create for your ideal clients will give you all sorts of new content and unique ways to help them.
Delaying taking action on an idea can be the death of your success!
It’s time to trust yourself, and to put your offer out there NOW! And when you do put it out there… leave it out there for a period of time and talk it up. Don’t quit too soon! Make sure to give it a real chance and believe that it’s working even if you don’t see results!
What will be your way to get to 50K months in your coaching business?
Hopefully, this article has inspired you to start thinking more intentionally about your offer for your coaching clients. Whether you are creating a product or service for them, the important thing to remember is to just go for it!
You may not create the most perfect offer the first time around, but you can tweak it as you receive feedback. You won’t discover what works if you never try. And your clients may not get to have the transformation they need if you let your fears and hesitation get the best of you.
Take messy actions and blast past your fears. As you lead yourself in your business, you become an amazing example and inspiration for your clients, and that can sometimes be the reason they decide to sign up for your high ticket offer!
To help you take next steps with your coaching business, head here to check out our courses. We also offer online business coaching to help you gain clarity about your offer and marketing.
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